Supplemental Environmental Projects

  1. What is a Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP)?

A SEP is an environmentally beneficial project or activity that protects and or improves the environment and/or reduces risks to public health.

  1. Why is a SEP developed?

When a party violates an environmental law or regulations, or a condition of their permit issued by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE), MDE can assess a monetary penalty for those violations. The party responsible for the violations can agree to pay the penalties and or implement a SEP. The SEP can be utilized to offset some or all of the monetary penalty.

  1. How does MDE approve a SEP?

MDE evaluates the SEP’s benefit to the environment and community.

  • How will the SEP improve the environment and or public health, reduce or prevent pollution, provide public access to nature, promote environmental or public health education, or promote environmental compliance or emergency preparedness.

  • How will the SEP enhance, protect and/or restore the Chesapeake Bay area, advance green infrastructure, and or combat climate change. 

MDE evaluates how the SEP was designed.

  • How involved was the community with providing project ideas and feedback.

  • How much does the SEP cost and is it proportionate to the severity of the violation.

MDE evaluates where the SEP will be located.

  • How closely is the SEP located to the area in which the violation occurred.

  • How was the location selected and did it prioritize overburdened and underserved communities.

  1. What is the MDE SEPs Library?

The SEPs library is a database that tracks completed projects throughout Maryland and offers a means for the public to propose a SEP for future consideration. The library includes the project information such as cost, the underlying basis for the SEP (such as a settlement agreement), detailed proposal, and workplan. The SEPs library also lists future projects proposed by overburdened and underserved communities and any other interested party. MDE is continually seeking public feedback and will reach out to citizens to seek input on projects which would directly benefit their communities.

  1. How can I be involved?

MDE is continually seeking public feedback and will reach out to citizens to seek input on projects which would directly benefit their particular community or a community of similar makeup. If you or your community has an idea for a SEP, please contact​ to share your idea with MDE.

  1. How do I access the SEPs Library?

The SEPs library can be accessed on MDE's Open Data Portal. SEPs Library

  1. What are some examples of completed SEPs?

  • Electric vehicle charging stations were constructed to remedy an air pollution control violation.

  • An oyster habitat restoration and population expansion was constructed to remedy water discharge violations.

  • Allocation of money to the local middle school to develop and fund an environmental education camp.

Download the SEPs Fact Sheet in English​ ​or Español​.



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