Progress Since MDEStat Started: Regulatory Oversight and Compliance Highlights (FY10-FY14)

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  • Eliminated the backlog of unreviewed groundwater monitoring reports: Through MDEStat, additional resources were identified to assist with review of the reports. All 145 reports were reviewed and no significant problems were identified. MDEStat continues to track this issue to ensure that no backlog recurs.

  • Ensured proper enforcement of requirements for oil remediation: Open oil remediation cases were not having consent orders developed in a timely manner. MDEStat oversaw implementation of a prioritized plan to execute consent documents where needed. All cases have been addressed. MDEStat continues to track this issue.

  • Improved consistency of gas well inspections: MDEStat found that a small number of gas wells were not being inspected with the target frequency. MDEStat began tracking these specific inspections and continued tracking them each meeting with the mining program until they were all up to date. All wells were inspected. MDEStat continues to track this to ensure the inspection frequency remains on target.

  • Reduced risks from dental X-ray radiation: Enhanced enforcement of dental X-ray requirements through additional and higher penalties. Established program for posting information about dental non-compliance on MDE's website to encourage improvements by dental offices. Dental compliance for initial inspections increased from 35% in FY07 to 48% in FY09 and reached 57% in FY14.

Dental X-Ray Machines Compliance 


  • Enhanced protection from asbestos risks by improving the systems by which MDE is notified of building demolitions: Developed a list of localities to target for notifications. The program developed a process for the targeted localities to submit the information. Receiving demolition notifications from local authorities. This effort increased the number of demolition sites inspected by 25% to 81 in FY12.
  • Ensured timely inspections of hazardous waste generators: MDEStat identified a backlog of large quantity generators of hazardous waste that were overdue for inspection, including one that had not been inspected in 19 years. MDEStat directed improvements in the inspection management system to ensure that no facilities remain uninspected for more than five years. The backlog was reduced from 77 in December 2009 to 0 by early 2011. MDEStat continues to monitor this. 


  • Enhanced MDE's enforcement focus by implementing new enforcement procedures: Compared FY07 data and practices to new procedure. Followed up with programs to track implementation. Ensured that programs were tracking adherence to prescribed timelines. All programs were meeting the timelines as of August 2010. MDEStat continues to monitor this and there are still occasional cases that do not meet the timelines.


  • MDE works with local health departments to enhance beach water quality monitoring and maintain the beach water quality public notification process in Maryland.  In CY 2013 Maryland beaches were open and unrestricted 98.7% of the time.  Sewage spills accounted for zero percent of the beach days under notification.  In 2010 MDE prioritized funding for septic system upgrades that posed the greatest threat to our clean waterways, beaches and drinking water. 

Percentage of Beach Days Open Between Memorial Day and Labor Day 

  • MDE continues to achieve Bay Restoration efforts.  These charts represent nitrogen and phosphorus reductions in the Bay.

Maryland Nitrogen Loads to the Chesapeake Bay FY09 - FY 13 

Maryland Phosphorus Loads to the Chesapeake Bay FY09 - FY 13 ​

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