Progress Since MDEStat Started: Efficient Use of Resources Highlights (FY10-FY14)

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  • Improved MDE productivity by reducing average vacancy-filling time, which was 338 days from CY03 through CY06: MDEStat implemented a system for tracking the key milestone tasks associated with the recruitment process. MDEStat also established timeframes for the completion of many of the milestones. Through MDEStat efforts, vacancy-filling time was reduced to 249 days in 2010.

  • Managed funding received through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: MDE received six different awards totaling over $129,000,000. MDEStat tracked all the applicable deadlines for project selection and initiation, and for fund utilization, ensuring that federal reporting deadlines were met and that no funds were lost due to delayed expenditures. All projects were able to meet the start construction dates and all money was fully committed. All federal reporting requirements have been submitted accurately and on time. All awards were completed by their deadlines. Click here to see what was accomplished.

  • End reversions of federal Drinking Water set-aside operating funds: MDEStat learned that MDE's Water Supply Program was not using its full allocation of federal set-aside funds, and had been forced to revert some funds to capital programs, losing the opportunity to use them for critical operating needs. MDEStat monitored the expenditures resulting in no further losses of operating funds.

  • Increased the number of septic systems upgraded to BAT by the Bay Restoration Fund: Tracked the expenditure of the Bay Restoration Fund money for septic system upgrades. MDEStat monitored the conversion of the process from direct reimbursement to grants implemented by the counties. more than 3,000 septic systems have been upgraded with Bay Restoration Fund money since 2008.

Cumulative Septic System Upgrades FY08-FY14 


  • Implement EmPower Initiative to reduce State agencies' energy usage: MDEStat regularly tracks electricity usage compared to baseline data. MDE is currently exceeding the Governor's reduction goals. MDEStat continues to monitor progress and to oversee the search for other opportunities to conserve energy. 

MDE Energy Usage 


  • Track MDE’s Environmental Management System to ensure compliance with all environmental laws, regulations, and other requirements, and to ensure continual improvement in reducing the environmental impacts of our facilities and operations. MDE continues to set and monitor annual environmental objectives and targets such as paper usage and food composting. 

MDE Montgomery Park Food Composting Graph 


MDE Paper Usage Graph 



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