Technical Assistance Programs to Green Your Business

The Maryland Department of the Environment offers free and low-cost technical assistance programs that help businesses and other organizations go beyond regulatory compliance and adopt a proactive approach to environmental management. These programs focus on pollution prevention or P2 measures that reduce pollution at the source through process, equipment and material changes that reduce waste, energy and water usage. Click on each of these programs to learn more or contact Laura Armstrong, MDE Director, Sustainability Program at 410-537-4119.

On-Site Pollution Prevention Technical Assistance

Take advantage of a free, confidential assessment of your facility through an independent engineering consultant. You’ll receive a report listing energy, water and waste reduction opportunities at your facility and the information you need to move forward in implementing them.  

Greening Your Business Program:   The 2022 cohort has completed the program and the date for a new cohort has not been set, but will be listed here. The program offers free on-site sustainability assessments by an independent contract and guidance on how to guidance on best practices for ensuring continual improvement in environmental management. Learn more here.

ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Implementation Assistance

Sixty Maryland manufacturers have participated in this valuable program that helps companies implement EMSs through workshops, assignments and on-site assistance.

Businesses interested in taking advantage of the benefits of an EMS without registering to the ISO 140001 standard, can participate in the Greening Your Business Program​. This program, which combines workshops and site visits, assists participants with identifying opportunities, setting​ goals and developing green teams. 


Sector-Specific Pollution Prevention Projects 

Using U.S EPA Pollution Prevention (P2) grant funding, MDE has contracted with various independent consultants to provide on-site P2 technical assistance to specific industry sectors. Following each project, MDE works to disseminate the information and lessons learned throughout the sector.  These sector-specific projects have included hospitals, hotels, food processing facilities, and minor league baseball stadiums. 

MD MEP Intern Program​

The Maryland Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MD MEP) offers a program for college students interested in interning with a Maryland manufacturer to work on a variety of projects.  Learn more here:

