Wetlands and Waterways Resources

  • Overview of the Wetland and Water Resources of Maryland (pdf)

  • Geospatial Data Download

  • Interactive Wetlands Mapper 
    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory (NWI)

  • Watershed Resources Registry (WRR)
  • The Watershed Resources Registry (WRR) is a GIS-based mapping tool and framework, developed through an inter-agency collaborative effort between the Maryland Department of the Environment and several of its state, federal and county partners. WRR partners include:
    • Charles County, Maryland
    • Federal Highway Administration
    • Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin
    • Maryland Department of the Environment
    • Maryland Department of Natural Resources
    • Maryland Environmental Service
    • Maryland State Highway Administration
    • Maryland Transportation Administration
    • National Marine Fisheries Service
    • Prince George’s County, Maryland
    • US Army Corps of Engineers, Headquarters and Baltimore District
    • US Department of Transportation
    • US Environmental Protection Agency Region 3
    • US Fish and Wildlife Service

    The WRR includes data from the MD iMAP GIS Portal, for Wetlands, Streams, Wetlands of Special State Concern, Watershed Designations, Tier II Waters, Stream Use Designations, Floodplains, Hydric Soils, Restoration Models, NWI Wetlands, and many others.

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