Facilities with Multiple Registrations

Facilities can have multiple registrations depending on the type of machines that are located at their physical location:

  • A hospital, Group 3, can have the following registrations also:  Group 2, Group 5, Group 6, and Group 8
  • A medical office, Group 4, can have the following registration also:  Group 8
  • A veterinary office, Group 7, can have the following registrations also:  Group 6, Group 5, Group 9
  • A mammography office, Group 8, can have the following registration also:  Group 4
  • A research/academic facility, Group 5, can have the following registrations also:  Group 3, Group 7
  • A medical accelerator, Group 2, can have the following registration also:  Group 3

Note that each type of machine will require a separate registration number.

Contact Info

For further information on multiple registrations please contact Eva Nair at 410-537-3193 or at eva.nair@maryland.gov​.

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