Environmental Justice in Maryland Reports

Maryland Commission on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities Annual Report, 2001

Part 1: Annual Report 2001
Part 2: Activities of the Commission and Focus Priorities
Appendix A: Commission's Execut​ive Order​
Appendix B: Commission Members and Affiliation
Appendix C: Community Index Work Group Draft Report
Appendix D: MDE Environmental Justice Strategic Plan
Appendix E: EPA's Commitment to Environmental Justice
Appendix F Part 1: Breifs to E.J. Commission on December 12, 2001 and Landfill and Rubble
Appendix F Part 2: Lead Research
Appendix F Part 3: Oxon Hill Residents
Appendix F Part 4: Point of Rocks Power Plant Concerns

Maryland Advisory Council on Environmental Justice Report, 1999

Table of Contents, Introduction, Executive Summary
Section 1.0: Background and Development of Environmental Justice in Maryland
Section 2.0: Stakeholders Perspectives
Section 3.0: Environmental Justice in Maryland
Section 4.0: Maryland Advisory Council on Environmental Justice (MACEJ) Subcommittee Reports
Section 5.0: Environmental Justice Guidelines and Recommendations
Appendix A: House Bill 1850
Appendix B: MACEJ Membership and By-Laws
Appendix C: Executive Orders (Federal & Proposed State)
Appendix D: Principles of Environmental Justice (First People of Color Summit, 1991)
Appendix E: Proposed Environmental Justice Protocols and Methodologies 

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