Additional Links and Resources

Note:  The appearance of links on this list does not constitute endorsement by the Maryland Department of the Environment nor by the Commission on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities.

The following links have additional EJ information:

Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN) - Working to protect and shape the environment of Asian and Pacific Islanders in the San Francisco Bay area through democratic participation.

Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice - An environmental-health resource center that provides training, technical and organizing support, and advocacy work for California communities. Lists projects, publications and information.

Center for Environmental Excellence by AASHTO – This website has general information about environmental justice, as well as the environmental justice issues in the transportation field.

Climate Justice and Equity – Addresses inequities in global climate change policy.

Communities for a Better Environment - California-based environmental health and justice organization which promotes clean air and water and advocates for toxic free communities. Provides information, resources and campaign information.

Earth Justice Ministries - Network of church groups, other faith communities, justice and environmental organizations, and individuals interested in furthering the cause of social, economic, and environmental justice. – Web resources for Environmental Justice Activists.

Environmental Inequality Bibliography  - Lists books, articles, reports and scholarly papers on environmental justice.

Environmental Justice and the NIMBY Principle - Report which strives to dispel the truths behind the "not in my backyard" environmental ploys, and offers reasons why poorer communities often bear the blunt of hazardous waste disposal.

Environmental Justice: An Interview with Robert Bullard - From Earth First! Journal, July 1999.  Robert D. Bullard is often called the father of the Environmental Justice movement

Environmental Justice Foundation - Training manual, issues, press releases and information on empowering those affected by environmental abuses to investigate, expose and combat those problems.

Environmental Justice Greenaction - A new organization created by community groups in the southwest United States and former Greenpeace staff who have joined together in the struggle for health and environmental justice.

Environmental Justice Resource Center, Clark Atlanta University - Research, policy, and information clearinghouse on issues related to environmental justice, race and the environment, civil rights, facility siting, land use planning, brownfields, transportation equity, suburban sprawl, and Smart Growth.

Environmental Research Foundation - News and resources for environmental justice. Providing understandable scientific information about human health and the environment. 

Environment, Energy, and Resources from the American Bar Association – Legal updates, mostly court cases, on EJ issues around the country.

EPA Public Participation Policy - The policy provides guidance to EPA staff on effective and reasonable means to involve the public in EPA's regulatory and program implementation decisions.

Fighting Environmental Racism: A selected annotated bibliography.

Indigenous Environmental Network - Native peoples of the Americas organization for education, coalition building, and action.  Announcements and fact sheets on current issues. 

International Union for Conservation of Nature - Helps the world find pragmatic solutions to our most pressing environment and development challenges.

Native Americans and the Environment - Collection of internet links related to environmental justice concerns of Native Americans and other indigenous peoples.

Natural Resources Defense Council - NRDC’s mission is to safeguard the Earth: its people, its plants, and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends.  This is a link to their Environmental Justice section.

Office of Minority Health Resource Center - A U.S. national resource and referral service on minority health issues. Collects and distributes information on topics including substance abuse, cancer, heart disease, violence, diabetes, HIV/AIDS and infant mortality in minority populations.

Principles of the Environmental Justice Movement - Environmental Justice Platform adopted at The First People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit.

Public Health Degrees​ - A guide for understanding how low-income communities and communities of color are more likely to be affected by environmental racism. This guide features important resources that can help you become informed and learn how to take action. Featuring a list of Environmental Justice Organizations, Resources From Racial Justice Organizations, Government Resources, News Articles, Blog Posts, and Videos.

U.S. Department of Transportation Environmental Justice Site - General information, case studies, and training resources on applicable requirements and on addressing environmental justice in the planning process for highways and other transportation systems. 

West Harlem Environmental Action - Website created to inform area residents of environmental hazards in West Harlem, New York City.

Working Group on Environmental Justice - A group of scholars and activists committed to doing further research and promoting effective action to advance the cause of environmental justice.​​

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