TMDLs and Water Quality Plans for the Baltimore Harbor Watershed

This page shows all approved Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Documents and TMDL Implementation Plans for the Baltimore Harbor Watershed (MD 8-Digit code: 02130903), as well as other related water quality reports produced by MDE.


​TMDL Documents

expand Bacteria, Marley & Furnace Creeks - March 10, 2011
  • Final TMDL Main Report
  • expand Biological Stressor Identification Report - March 2014
  • Baltimore Harbor Biological Stressor Identification Report
  • expand Chromium Water Quality Analysis - January 18, 2005
  • Final Water Quality Analysis Report
  • Bioassay Testing of Baltimore Harbor Sediments Spiked with Cr(VI) Final Report
  • expand Chromium Water Quality Analysis - June 24, 2014
  • MDE's Requested Edits to EPA's Decision Letter
  • Comment Response Document
  • expand Nutrient - December 17, 2007
  • Revised Final Point Source Technical Memorandum 2022
  • EPA's Decision Letter - 2018 Revision
  • Comment Response Document on the 2018 Revisions
  • Revised Final Main Report 2015
  • EPA's Decision Letter
  • Appendix A: Baseline DO Attainment Curves
  • Appendix C: TMDL Allocation Tables
  • Final Nonpoint Source Technical Memorandum
  • VIMS Modeling Report
  • expand Pesticides (Chlordane) - May 20, 2001
  • Final TMDL Main Report
  • expand Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) TMDL - October 1, 2012
  • EPA's Decision Letter
  • Final Main Report
  • expand Sediment, Nontidal Watershed - January 27, 2022
  • EPA's Decision Letter
  • Final TMDL Main Report
  • Final Nonpoint Source Technical Memorandum
  • expand Trash/Debris - January 5, 2015
  • EPA's Decision Letter
  • Comment Response Document
  • expand Zinc and Lead Water Quality Analysis - January 18, 2005
  • Final Water Quality Analysis Report
  • expand Zinc, Curtis Bay/Creek and Middle Harbor Water Quality Analysis - January 14, 2022
  • EPA's Decision Letter
  • Comment Response Document
  • Contact Information ​
    Please direct questions or comments concerning Maryland's TMDL Program to or call (410) 537-3818.​​

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