Controlled Hazardous Substance Advisory Council

History, Charge and Term:

The controlled Hazardous Substance Advisory Council was created in 1976 (Chapter 618, Acts of 1976).  Formerly under the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the Council was placed within the Department of the Environment by Chapter 306, Acts of 1987.

The Council advises and assists the Department on issues that relate to controlled hazardous substances (CHS) including identification of what substances should be regulated as CHS, and development of regulations governing the management and disposal of hazardous substances and low-level nuclear waste.

Appointed by the Governor, the Council's thirteen members serve ten-year terms.  Ten are appointed with the advice of the Secretary of the Environment, and three public members are selected with Senate advice and consent (Code Environment Article, 7-211 through 7-215).

Current Membership:

  • Michael J. Wolf,  Chair
  • Jay Tolle, Vice Chair
  • Amy Brown
  • Steven L. Hatchett
  • Dennis Howard
  • Susan C. Kenney
  • Lawrence H. Liden
  • Craig D. Lowry
  • Jessica D. L. Medicus
  • Israel Putnam
  • Shawn A. Seaman

Meeting Schedule:

The Commission meets at the request of the Secretary, typically 1-2 times per year, but more often if needed. Meetings are generally held at the MDE offices in Baltimore. 

MDE Contact:

Edward Hammerberg, MDE/LMA, 1800 Washington Blvd., Baltimore MD 21230,, 410-537-3356, toll free in Maryland (800) 633-6101 ext. 3356.
