Proposed Air & Radiation Regulations with Small Business Impact

Ch. 212 (HB 1124) of 2019 - State Government - Regulations Impacting Small Businesses

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  • ​Advanced Clean Cars II (COMAR ​A notice of proposed amendments to is planned to update the Maryland Clean Cars Program to incorporate new regulations related to the Zero Emission Vehicle Program adopted by the California Air Resources Board.
    • Draft Proposed Regulations
    • Advanced Clean Cars II Fact Sheet
    • The Air Quality Control Advisory Council voted to advise MDE to move forward with the adoption of ACC II regulations on March 13, 2023. If the public would like to comment on these regulations while MDE prepares the administrative process for adoption please send comments to Marcia Ways, Mobile Sources Program Manager at by April 7, 2023.


Date Posted: March 23, 2023​


Related Link:

MDE Air & Radiation Regulations​​​​​​​​​