Proposed Water Regulations with Small Business Impact

Ch. 212 (HB 1124) of 2019 - State Government - Regulations Impacting Small Businesses

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​​1. T​riennial Review of Water Quality Standards [COMAR 26.08.01 – 26.08.02]

​A notice of Proposed Action was published in the Md. Register on 3/11/22

​​​​2. O​n-site wastewater property transfer inspection license [COMAR]

Emergency Regulations were published in the Md. Register on 9/23/22. A regular promulgation action will now occur and when it is complete, these will replace the emergency regulations. Additional information is available here​​.

​3. ​Boil Water Advisory [26.04.01–Quality of Drinking Water in Maryland​]

​A notice of proposed amendments to 26.04.01 is planned to regulate public water systems with respect to knowing when and how to act in case of an unplanned water outage or flooded well or spring and how to issue a Boil Water Advisory (BWA).

Related Link

MDE Water Regulations​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​