
Energy Efficiency 

1.  Perform energy benchmarking for your facility

  • Use your online utility account to track bills and annual usage. When you implement an energy efficiency practice or renewable energy technology, it will help you identify how much money you have saved.
  • Use EnergyStar Portfolio Manager to see how your facility compares with similar type buildings.

2.  Schedule an energy audit and investigate incentive programs.

  • Take advantage of EmPower Maryland rebates offered through your utility company. Contractors can perform audits on lighting fixtures and controls, assist with the rebate application process and even offer financing. Rebates are also available for HVAC and other equipment. (Note that small businesses may need to use pre-approved contractors for maximum benefits.) See your utility for more info: 
  • Take advantage of Maryland's PACE Program (Property Assessed Clean Energy Program) which enables both commercial and residential property owners to finance projects with 0% down and long payback periods.
  • EPA’s Lean and Energy Toolkit
  • Energy Star for Industry
  • EMFACT, the Energy and Materials Flow and Cost Tracker, is a software tool for tracking materials and energy use, releases, discharges, and wastes
  • Energy tips for facility managers.
  • Inventory all equipment and devices plugged into electrical outlets (also known as “plug load”) to see which items can be unplugged when not in use.  This reduces the electric power consumed when items are turned off or in standby mode.
  • Visit the Maryland Energy Administration's webpage for business incentives on a regular basis to see upcoming due dates for grants and tax incentives. 

3.  Improve energy efficiency of building shell.

4.  Improve efficiency of HVAC and other systems.

  • Invest in energy efficient HVAC equipment.
  • Perform regular maintenance on HVAC systems and change filters according to system specifications.
  • Operating tips and tools on combustion systems, steam boiler systems and process heating systems
  • Eliminate waste heat by insulating piping and heat generating equipment.
  • Install variable frequency drives on HVAC pumps, fans, and compressed air systems.
  • Install programmable thermostats and adjust for non-work hours.
  • Install high-volume, low speed fans to improve air circulation and save energy costs.
  • Improve efficiency of compressed air and steam systems.
  • Check for leaks.
    • Avoid 90 degree angles in the piping.
    • Use the lowest pressure setting that provides reliable performance.
    • Consider ducting outside air when temperatures are lower since less energy is needed to compress cool air than warm air.
  • Install cogeneration (combined heat and power) system

5.  Improve efficiency of office and industrial equipment.

  • Improve efficiency of office and industrial equipment.
  • Energy efficient computers, monitors, and other office equipment
  • Tankless, or on-demand, water heaters​
  • Install variable frequency drives on pumps, fans, and motors
  • Upgrade to more efficient and properly-sized electric motors using the U.S. Dept of Energy’s MotorMaster Tool​.
  • Consolidate office equipment. Use high-speed printers or multi-function networked copiers that can be used as printers to reduce the number of printers in your office.
  • Consolidate use of small appliances (microwaves, toaster, coffee pots, mini-fridges, etc.) by using larger more energy-efficient appliances in break rooms.
  • Install power strips to allow employees to easily control “phantom” power loads from chargers for laptops and other electronic devices or simply instruct employees to unplug when not in use.
  • Improve efficiency of computer servers by consolidating and using virtualization software that optimizes IT assets. Use PC management software that allows software patches to be performed without being left on all night and power management software or power saving modes on computers.
  • Use energy management software to turn off vending machines and other equipment when not in use.

6.  Improve efficiency of lighting

  • Replace incandescent lighting with fluorescent lighting and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or other energy efficient lighting.
  • Install motion sensors, timers, manual dimmers or or automatic daylight dimming controls.
  • Maximize use of natural light (windows, skylights and solar tubes) and use task lighting where extra lighting is needed.

7.  Use energy management software systems to control lighting, HVAC systems, and to turn off computers and printers, vending machines and other equipment

8.  Train employees on basic conservation practices such as turning off lights and equipment when not in use, controlling the thermostat, and activating energy saving features on equipment.

8.  Contact your utility or a demand response management company about peak load management. 

  • Modify production schedules to limit peak energy use and save money.

For your member profile:  Describe measures taken to improve the energy efficiency of your facility and/or processes and include results (e.g. kWh or BTUs reduced) and cost savings where available.


Renewable Energy

1.  Install on-site renewable energy systems such as photovoltaic, solar water heating, solar-powered exterior lighting, geothermal systems, or wind energy.


2.  Choose an electric supplier that generates its power from renewable sources.

​​3.  Purchase renewable energy credits (RECs) for wind, biomass, solar, hydropower,biofuels, and geothermal or carbon offsets for natural gas or diesel use.

​For your member profile:  Describe renewable energy systems installed at your facility and included results (e.g. kWh generated) and cost savings where available. Describe type of renewable energy contract or credits purchased and include amount (e.g. kWh) where available.

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