Management and Leadership

En​vironmental Policy Statement

An environmental policy statement is usually a brief document signed by the highest level of authority in an organization. It sets expectations for the organization and its employees with respect to environmental management. An effective environmental policy statement is truthful, not over reaching, and typically contains the following three commitments:​

  • a commitment to compliance with all environmental laws and regulations
  • a commitment to pollution prevention – This means that your organization places a priority on waste reduction over recycling, treatment or disposal of waste.
  • a commitment to continual improvement – This means that your organization or environmental team meets regularly to evaluate your environmental impacts and set annual goals.

Environmental policy statements should be communicated to employees and available to the public. You may want to post it around your facility, incorporate it into training classes and materials, include it on your intranet and internet sites, or even print it on the back of employee badges.

See sample environmental policy statement​​.

For your member profile: If you have a comprehensive written environmental policy signed by the current owner or senior manager of your organization, provide the language or a link to the policy.


Environmental Team

Environmental Teams (also known as Green Teams or Sustainability Teams) usually involve staff from various parts of the organization. They should meet on a regular basis to identify and monitor environmental activities at your facility. Environmental teams can also sponsor environmental educational opportunities for employees, solicit ideas and suggestions from employees, and organize fun, internal competitions, or events like a Bike to Work week. See Top Five Green Team Tips and more information on building a green team.

For your member profile: Describe your team (membership, mission, how often it meets, etc.) and how it works to identify and implement measures that improve the environmental performance of your facility and operations.


Annual Environmental Goals

Try brainstorming a list of the overall environmental impacts of your facility, products, and services and then prioritize the impacts based on their significance, severity, frequency, or other parameters.

Select one or more projects to reduce these priority impacts and establish goals, timelines, measures, and responsible staff.


For your member profile: Provide an example of specific goals your organization has set to reduce its environmental impact (e.g. reduce solvent use by x%, or reduce greenhouse gas emissions by x% by year 20xx.  

Environmentally Preferable Products and Services

Reduce both your organization’s and your customer’s environmental impact through your goods and services. Consider changes to the design, composition, packaging and transportation of your product to reduce life-cycle costs.

  • Reduce packaging
  • Increase durability of product and components
  • Incorporate recyclable, reusable, or returnable components in your product or service


For your member profile: Briefly describe the design, composition, packaging and other attributes of the product you produce and/or the service you provide that are designed to reduce environmental impacts. If you provide environmental service or products, describe them here.


Environmentally Preferable Purchasing

Reduce the environmental impact of your organization through the products you buy and the vendors, consultants, contractors and property managers you work with.

 For your member profile: Describe your procurement policy or approach and provide example(s) of product purchasing decisions or vendor contract language. 

Environmental Restoration and Community Environmental Projects

Look for opportunities to restore or enhance your own property or help with community efforts.

Share your environmental successes and tips with business partners, trade association members, customers, vendors and the neighboring community.

  • Present information at meetings and conferences
  • Hold an open house or share your sustainable practices through social media accounts.

Become involved in environmental protection and public policy

  • Contact your elected officials to help improve environmental laws and regulations at all levels of government and report environmental violations you observe to government agencies (To report spills and environmental emergencies, contact MDE)

For your member profile: Describe participation or sponsorship of environmental restoration projects (e.g. stream cleanups, enhancement of wildlife habitat, etc.) or community environmental projects or events (outreach to citizen groups, schools, etc.).


Independently-Audited Environmental Management Systems (EMS)

EMSs help organizations identify and manage both their regulated and unregulated environmental impacts. There are a number of EMS standards which offer certification through independent auditors. The most well known is ISO 14001. Others include trade association programs such as Responsible Care​ for the chemical industry, Responsible Recycling (R2) for electronics recyclers, and the Sustainable Green Printing Partnership

For your member profile: Provide the EMS standard that was used (e.g. ISO 14001, Responsible Care, etc.)​

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