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Has your organization achieved an environmental certification for its facility, operations, products, or services?  Share the news and inspire others to follow the same path by adding your organization's name to the growing list of Maryland Green Registry members with environmental certification credentials.  

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Maryland Green Registry members have shared their participation in dozens of different environmental certification programs through their online member profiles​​, but this page aims to gather that information in one place so that members can see the range of certifications available and also have a point of contact to learn more. If you are interested in sharing your experience and advice on the certification process, submit your name through the form above. To connect with these fellow members volunteering to share their experience, email green.registry@maryland.gov and we will put you in touch.​

​​​Environmental Certification Member Organization​
​​​AASHE STARS ​​​​ ​University of Maryland, Baltimore County
University of Maryland, College Park
​Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary​ ​Turf Valley Resort
The Brick Companies (Queenstown Harbor Golf)​
​B Corp​ Council Fire Benefit LLC
​RoundPeg Benefit LLC
Bay-Wise ​Garden and Garnish
Veteran Compost
​Bee City USA ​Town of Berlin
​Best for DMV​ ​Bethesda Green
Bird Friendly Coffee ​Chesapeake Bay Roasting Company
Certified Wildlife Habitat ​The Heart of the Earth Sanctuary and Rescue
Certified Sustainable Diamond​ ​WD Lab Grown Diamonds
​Climate Leadership Network​ ​University of Maryland, Baltimore County
​​Cradle-to-Cradle Certified​
​C-Care, LLC
​C-Care, LLC
EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. PBC
​Fitwel​ ​Pearlstone
Green America Certified Business ​Bethesda Green
Green Ribbon Schools ​Baltimore County Public Schools

​Green Seal Certification (GS-42) for Cleaning Services​
​Montgomery College Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
​ISO 14001​ ​e-End
Fitzgerald Auto Mall
Williams & Heintz Map Corporation​
Volvo Group Trucks
​ISO 50001 ​AstraZeneca
Volvo Group Trucks
Keep America Beautiful Affiliate​ ​Town of Berlin
​LEED​ ​Anne Arundel County Public Library
Robinson Nature Center, Howard County Dept. of Recreation and Parks
Maryland Clean Marina Initiative ​The Brick Companies (Atlantic Marinas)
​Maryland Green Schools​ ​Baltimore County Public Schools
​​Maryland PLANT Community​
​Howard Community College
Maryland True Blue Crabs​
​Garden and Garnish
Montgomery County Green Business Certification​ ​AstraZeneca
Bethesda Green
Ocean Friendly Restaurants​ ​Mother's Cantina and Taco Shop
​People Loving And Nurturing Trees (PLANT)  ​Howard County Community College
​Practice Greenhealth Partner for Change​ ​MedStar Harbor Hospital
R2 Standard - Responsible Recyclers  ​CoastTec
RIOS​  ​CoastTec
​Sacred Grounds​ ​Pearlstone
Superior Energy Performance ​AstraZeneca
Volvo Group Trucks
Sustainable Green Printing Partnership​ ​Hub Labels
​Sustainable Maryland Certified​ ​City of Gaithersburg
Town of Berlin

​​Tree City USA​
​City of Gaithersburg
Town of Emmitsburg
​USDA Organic​ ​C-Care, LLC
Chesapeake Bay Roasting Company
Submit form to have your organization's name and certification added here!​

Why Certify?

"Once you embrace the idea of bringing in a fresh set of eyes, open your mind, and take the recommendations to heart, it will make you a better organization."
                                                                                                         Nink Myers, Hub Labels

​Environmental certifications and the certification process itself can offer the following benefits to both the environment and the certifying business: 
  • Foster a proactive approach to environmental management which can reduce liability, improve efficiency, save money, and increase resiliency and adaptability over the long term, 
  • Offer a tool for promoting continual improvement in environmental performance, 
  • Communicate an organization’s commitment to environmental stewardship and provide recognition among customers and other stakeholders,
  • Boost sales and foster brand loyalty.
  • Bring staff together across different levels and divisions within an organization to assess environmental impacts and opportunities, and
  • Create opportunities for professional development and improving employee morale and retention.
Evaluating Certification Programs

Certification can be a demanding process so before devoting staff time and resources you’ll want choose carefully.  Here are some questions to consider in selecting a program:
  • Does it offer independent verification? Certifications that use accredited third-party auditors tend to be more effective in keeping environmental goals and program on track.  Programs that are audited by the same organization that created the program are considered 'designation' or 'rating' programs and don’t offer the same independent oversight, but can still be useful in providing support and motivation to their participants.
  • Is the program well known and widely accepted within your customer base, business sector or geographic area?
  • Does the program offer a transparent set of criteria that will help inform your customers and stakeholders about what lies behind your badge or label? Does it also maintain a list of currently certified companies on its website?
  • What is the cost of initial certification and renewals and what is the renewal period? 
  • Is the certification a good match for your facility or product?   Does it promote and prove environmental aspects that are important to your brand identity?
Choosing the Type of the Certification Program

A comprehensive certification program that addresses all aspects of the facility and operations can be helpful in prioritizing projects and eliminating unintended consequences where mitigating one environmental impact creates a new one.  If, however, a comprehensive certification is too large of an undertaking for your organization, consider more narrowly based certifications for your operations or products.  The following are examples of programs with different scopes of certification and geographic eligibility.

Comprehensive (Industry Specific): Sustainable Green Printing PartnershipR2 Standard (electronics recycling), Responsible Care (chemical manufacturing) 
Attribute Specific: Zero Waste to LandfillCarbon Neutral
Product/Service Specific: ENERGY STAR Products, Green Seal, Safer Choice, SmartWay 
Building Specific: LEED, ENERGY STAR Buildings 

Alternatives to Certification 

If pursuing an environmental certification program is not a priority for your business at this time, you can still take advantage of some of the benefits of certification by creating structure around your environmental goals and communicating your results to suppliers and clients.  
Fortunately, the Maryland Green Registry was created for this purpose!  It encourages members to set annual environmental goals, create and maintain cross functional green teams, and promote continual improvement by setting and implementing new goals each year. Here are some easy first steps

The Maryland Green Registry Tips and Resources pages and the nearly​ 600 member profiles, which can be sorted by facility type, are good sources of ideas and inspiration.  Many members have picked attributes important to them (e.g., reducing plastics, going landfill free) and have shared their progress through their profiles. ​

Update your Maryland Green Registry profile regularly and use it to convey your accomplishments in your own words. Link the profile from your website and share with your community.  The annual Sustainability Leadership Awards​ and monthly Member Spotlights are additional ways that the Maryland Green Registry can help you spread the word.  


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