Annual Climate Change Reports

Annual Reports by Agency 

The following state agencies shall report annually, to the Governor and the Commission on Climate Change, on the status of programs that support the state’s greenhouse gas reduction efforts or address climate change, in accordance with § 2–1305 of the state Government Article.

The report required in paragraph (1) of this subsection shall include: (i) Program descriptions and objectives; (ii) Implementation milestones, whether or not they have been met; (iii) Enhancement opportunities; (iv) Funding; (v) Challenges; (vi) Estimated greenhouse gas emissions reductions, by program, for the prior calendar year; and (vii) Any other information that the agency considers relevant.

Annual Reports are due December 15.

Click on an agency name to open its report. ​

  • Department of H​ousing and Community Development (DHCD)​​
  • Maryland Insurance Administration​
  • ​​Department of Natural​ Resources (DNR)​
  • Maryland Department of Plann​ing (MDP)​​​
  • Public Service Commission (PSC)​
  • Maryland Department of Transportation (MDoT)​
  • U​niversity of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES)​

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