The Green & Blue Infrastructure Policy Advisory Commission Members

​​County Govt. Representative
​Stephanie Jones
Queen Anne's County, Long-Range Principal Planner
County Govt. Representative
Frank Dawson
​Montgomery County, Chief, Division of Watershed Management
Municipal Govt. Representative 
​Lawrence DiRe
​Federalsburg Town Manager
Muncipal Govt. Representative
Nancy Somerville
​Town of Chevy Chase View,
Council Member
​Private Ecological Restoration Company Representative 
​Kristen Keene
​Client Solutions Manager, RES
​Private Ecological Restoration Company Representative
​Marcus Smith 
​Director of Land Acquisition and General Counsel, Greenvest
​Investor Company Representative 
​Nick Dilks 
​Managing Partner, Ecosystem Investment Partners 
Investor Company Representative
Tim Mooradd
Senior Manager - Structured Investments, Hannon Armstrong 
Non-Profit Representative

Joseph Galarraga

Coastal Resilience Project Manager,
The Nature Conservancy 
Non-Profit Representative
​Laura Todd

​Green Infrastructure Projects Manager, Alliance of the Chesapeake 
​University of Maryland - EFC

​Jennifer Egan, PhD
​Program Manager, Environmental Economics and Conservation Finance 
​Patuxent Environmental & Aquatic Reseatch Laboratory  (PEARL)
​Scott Knoche, PhD
Director, PEARL
Public Representative

​Tim Male
​Executive Director, Environmental Policy Innovation Center 
Public Representative

Greg Burks​
Urban Trees Program Manager, Chesapeake Bay Trust
​Public Representative

​Randy Rowel
Chair, Annapolis Environmental Commission;
Founder, ​Breaking Boundaries Environmental, LLC 

State Agency Representative

​Suzanne Dorsey, PhD
​Deputy Secretary, MD Department of the Environment  (MDE)
State Agency Representative 

David Goshorn 
Senior Bay Restoration Coordinator, Dept of Natural Resources (DNR)

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