
5 Million Trees Being

Planted in Maryland!​

The Commission's Plan for Growing 5 Million Trees news release (11.2.22)

T​he Urban Trees Grant Program,a component of the five million trees by 2031 goal, welcomes requests for tree planting projects in urban, underserved communities.​

The Board of Public Works Approves Funding for Urban Trees Program and Climate Progress  

New incentive payments for forest riparian buffers are available as part of the Maryland Department of Agriculture's Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program. 

Marylanders are invited to explore existing state tree planting programs on private and public 
lands through the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is offering free tree seedlings to landowners statewide who have a drainage ditch, creek, stream, or other waterways on or near their property through the
Bac​kyard Buffers program. ​

The United Nations has produced a downloadable Forest Management for Carbon Benefits

Youth Guide to Forests



 The Maryland Carbon Markets and Trees Commission

The Maryland Commission for the Innovation and Advancement of Carbon Markets and Sustainable Tree Plantings was established by the Maryland General Assembly as part of the Tree Solutions Now Act of 2021 (HB 991). As its charge, the Commission shall develop

  1. a plan to achieve the state’s carbon mitigation goal of planting five million native trees by 2030; 
  2. a plan to ensure that trees planted under this Act are properly maintained;
  3. recommendations regarding the establishment of a Maryland–based carbon offset market to support the state’s tree-planting goals; and 
  4. recommendations on reviewing state policies to reduce and fully mitigate the clearing of trees during the construction of state highways and other transportation projects.

In addition to supporting the Commission, the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE), with support from the Department of Natur​al Resources (DNR), the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA), and the Chesapeake Bay Trust (CBT), is coordinating the tracking and implementation of this tree planting goal.  

Planting in underserved urban communities will be a key focus. The state also is working to optimize plantings to realize multiple co-benefits including carbon sequestration, improved air and water quality, and reducing urban heat island effects. This work supports the state's ambitious climate mitigation goals, where the 2030 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act Plan (GGRA) lays out a pathway for achieving a 50% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 relative to a 2006 baseline. These efforts also build on Maryland state government's leadership in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and the U.S. Climate Alliance, as well as ongoing restoration work through the federal Chesapeake Bay ​Program.​​

​​Read the Commission's Plan for Growing 5 Million Trees​ in Maryland. 

Contact: Dr. Rachel Lamb, Maryland Department of the Environment, rachel.lamb@maryland.gov

​Meeting Materials:​​

This site was created an​d is maintained by Susan.Casey1@maryland.gov​, Maryland Department of the Environment.​​​


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