The 2030 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Act Plan

In its progress report issued in September of 2022, MDE announced that Maryland achieved a 30% reduction in statewide GHG emissions (from 2006 levels) in 2020, which exceeded​ its GGRA target of a 25% reduction by that year. ​Maryland is roughly on track for meeting its 2030 GGRA Plan targets (with some room for improvement in ZEV adoption, clean energy generation, and building electrification) but meeting those targets would not achieve Maryland's new goal of reducing statewide GHG emissions 60% by 2031. MDE is required to produce a new GHG reduction draft plan for the state by June 2023 and a final plan by the end of 2023. ​


​​​The 2030 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act Plan lays out our approach to Maryland's Greenhouse Gas reduction goals. The Plan calls for a goal of 50% reductions by 2030, as recommended by the Maryland Commission on Climate Change. With federal actions on climate change anticipated, Maryland expects to be able to achieve that goal.​  However, the goal has changed recently. 

The Climate Solutions Act of 2022 has updated the requirements of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act Plan.  "On or before JUNE 30, 2023, the Department of the Environment shall: (1) Submit a proposed plan that reduces statewide greenhouse gas emissions by 60% (from 2006 levels) by 2031 to the Governor and General Assembly; (2) Make the proposed plan available to the public; and (3) Convene a series of public workshops to provide interested parties with an opportunity to comment on the proposed plan. The Department shall, on or before December 31, 2023, adopt a final plan."

The 2030 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Act (GGRA) Plan​

GGRA Plan Document​

Executive Summary 

Appendix A​: The Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Act of 2009
Appendix B​:​​​ The Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Act - Reauthorization
Appendix C​: Greenhouse Gas Emission Projections Documentation (2014-2030
Appendix D​: 2017 Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory Documentation
Appendix E​: NG Life-Cycle GHG Emissions Inventory Attributable to Fracked Gas in 2017
Appendix F: ​Documentation of Maryland PATHWAYS Scenario Modeling 
Appendix G: Economic Impacts
​​Appendix H: Impact Analysis of the GGRA of 2009 on Manufacturing Industry in Maryland
​​Append​ix I: Just Transition
​​Appendix J: Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) GGRA Plan
​​Appendix K: Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) Recommended Practices 
Appendix L​: Public Comments on the DRAFT Plan (2019)

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Supplemental Information:

Mark Stewart, manager, Climate Change Program

"Confronting climate change represents another chance for Maryland to lead. We can be a leader in wind technology, in grid electrification, and clean transit."

"We will protect our Chesapeake Bay, and address the toxic air pollution that chokes our cities. And we will put Maryland on track to generate 100 percent clean energy by 2035 ​— creating thousands of jobs in the process."

                 - Governor Wes Moore​

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