Air & Radiation Regulations in Development

Below is a list of air regulations which are in the process of being developed, reviewed, or revised by the Department.  Notices of stakeholder meetings and associated materials may be found here .  

Last modified 11/16/2022​

ProgramAir Quality Planning
Regulation TitleControl of Methane from the NG Distribution Industry
PurposeControl of Methane
Relevant Statutory Deadline
Target Effective DateTBD
StatusUnder Development

ProgramAir Quality Planning
Regulation TitleCross-State Air Pollution Rule to Control Annual NOx, Annual SO2, and Ozone Season NOx Emissions
PurposeRepeal the IBR'd regulation to align with EPA as the federal CSAPR update rule addresses transport issues under the 2008 Ozone NAAQS
Relevant Statutory DeadlineNA
Target Effective DateTBD
StatusUnder development

ProgramAir Quality Planning
Regulation TitleNOx Ozone Season Emission Caps for Non-trading Large NOx Units
PurposeAmend NOx ozone season caps
Relevant Statutory DeadlineNA
Target Effective DateTBD
StatusUnder development

ProgramMobile Sources Control Program
Regulation TitleLow Emissions Vehicle Program
The purpose of this action is to update incorporate by reference
Regulation .02 to reflect the changes made by California since the
last Maryland update in 2019
Relevant Statutory DeadlineN/A
Target Effective Date
StatusTo be presented at the next AQCAC meeting

ProgramClimate Change
Regulation TitleBuilding Energy Performance Standardards (BEPS)
The purpose of BEPS is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the buildings sector in Maryland. The Maryland Climate Solutions Now Act of 2022 requires that BEPS include covered buildings that achieve the following: a 20% reduction in net direct GHG emissions by January 1, 2030, as compared with 2025 levels for average buildings of similar construction and; net-zero direct GHG emissions by January 1, 2040.

MDE must require covered building owners to measure and report direct emissions data on a yearly basis beginning in 2025. Covered buildings must be at least 35,000 square feet. The regulations include the following: energy use intensity targets by building type; flexibility to building owners; an alternative compliance pathway allowing the owner to pay a fee for emissions attributable to the building’s failure to meet direct GHG emissions reduction targets; and include considerations for the unique needs of particular building or occupancy types.
Relevant Statutory DeadlineJune 1, 2023
Target Effective DateSummer 2023
StatusStakeholder meetings

ProgramRadiological Health Program
Regulation TitleSupplement 33 to Regulations for Control of Ionizing Radiation
Address the public comments that were submitted for Supplement 32 and miscellaneous edits regarding formatting and punctuation.
Relevant Statutory Deadline
Target Effective DateMay 2023
StatusUnder Development

Number of Air Regulations in Development :6