Air & Radiation Regulations Public Hearings, Meetings and Request for Comments

Current Hearing Announcements

Historic Hearing Info/Comments Closed

caretNotice of public hearing/comment period concerning the following proposed action: New Chapter COMAR 26.11.42 Control of Emissions from Municipal Solid Waste Landfills.

The Department of the Environment held a virtual public on February 1, 2023. The commenting period is closed.

The Maryland Department of the Environment gives notice of the following public hearing and comment period. The purpose of this action is to repeal existing COMAR – Control of Landfill Gas Emissions from Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, and adopt new requirements and standards to reduce methane emissions from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) landfills in Maryland under a new chapter COMAR 26.11.42 – Control of Emissions from Municipal Solid Waste Landfills. The new proposed chapter and regulations in this action also incorporate provisions from the federal rules 40 CFR 60, Subparts Cf (Emission Guidelines), 40 CFR 60, Subpart XXX (New Source Performance Standards) and 40 CFR 63, Subpart AAAA (National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants) for MSW landfills.​​

​The regulatory action listed above will be submitted to the U.S. EPA for approval as a 111(d) State Plan. 

The full text of the proposed regulatory action appears in the Maryland Register on December 30, 2022.

Click here to view the Technical Support Document for the proposal of new Chapter COMAR 26.11.42.

For more information, contact:
Randy Mosier, Division Chief, Regulation Development Division
Air and Radiation Administration, Maryland Department of the Environment
1800 Washington Boulevard, Suite 730, Baltimore, Maryland 21230-1720
or by email at

caretNotice of public hearing/comment concerning the following proposed actions: Amend Regulation .05C under Chapter COMAR 26.11.18 concerning record keeping requirements for agriculturally related installations to ensure consistent record keeping with permits issued by the Maryland Department of the Environment.

The Department of the Environment held a virtual public hearing on October 26, 2022.

The purpose of this action is to amend Regulation .05C from COMAR 26.11.18 Control of Agriculturally Related Installations. The Department proposes to amend the record keeping requirements so that records are to be held on-site for a period of five years. This action will ensure that the record keeping period is consistent with Department permits to operate and standard compliance procedures for affected facilities.

​The Action will not be submitted to EPA as a State Implementation Plan (SIP).

​The Department adopted and finalized this regulation as of January 23, 2023. The full regulation text can be located by clicking here.

For more information, contact:

​Randy Mosier, Chief of the Air Quality Regulations Division 
Maryland Department of the Environment 
1800 Washington Boulevard, Suite 730, Baltimore, Maryland 21230-1720

Telephone: (410) 537-4488.

caretNotice of public hearing/comment concerning the following proposed actions: Amendments to Regulation .02 under Chapter COMAR 26.11.20 concerning exemptions for new motor vehicles sold at Dealers, wholesalers, auto insurers, and auctions. 

The Department of the Environment held a virtual public hearing on October 26, 2022.

The purpose of this action is to provide an exemption for new motor vehicles sold by a Dealer, vehicles sold at wholesale and by auto insurers, and vehicles sold at auctions conducted by auctioneers not in title as specified under COMAR Motor Vehicle Emission Control Devices. On February 7, 2022, the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE or the Department) expanded prohibitions pertaining to (1) the removal or alteration of a motor vehicle's air pollution control systems; (2) the operation of motor vehicles with removed, altered, or inoperative air pollution control systems; (3) the manufacture, sale, installation, and use of any device that prevents a motor vehicle's air pollution control system from operating as originally designed; and (4) the offering for sale, sale, lease, auction or transfer of any motor vehicle with removed, altered, or inoperative air pollution control systems.

Section (4) above applies to the retail transaction of motor vehicles that occur between a licensed dealer and the consumer. Under this action, exemptions are being extended to cover new motor vehicles, vehicles sold at wholesale, and by auto insurers that take ownership of motor vehicles associated with total loss claims, which occur when a vehicle sustains so much damage it is more economical for the insurance company to purchase the vehicle for its pre-accident value rather than repair the vehicle. Auto insurers typically dispose of those vehicles at auction in an effort to recoup some of the claim costs. Exemptions will also cover auctions acting on behalf of a seller, secured party or owner where the title does not pass to the auctioneer or to the facilitating auction location. This action will exempt from compliance with COMAR auto insurers and those transactions identified in COMAR that are conducted by auctioneers not in title, as specified under the conditions outlined in proposed COMAR

The Department will continue to enhance compliance investigations pertaining to the operation and transaction of tampered vehicles. The Department will continue to monitor auctions to determine whether the exemption for auctions results in significantly tampered vehicles operating on Maryland roadways, despite undergoing state safety inspections that examine emission control systems.

The proposed amendments to COMAR will be submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for approval as part of Maryland’s State Implementation Plan (SIP).​​

The Department adopted and finalized this regulation as of January 9, 2023. The full regulation text can be located by clicking h​e​re.

For more information, contact:

Marcia Ways, Mobile Sources Control Program Manager
Maryland Department of the Environment
1800 Washington Boulevard, Suite 730, Baltimore, Maryland 21230-1720
Telephone: (410) 537-3270.

Additional information pertaining to anti-tampering can be found here.​

carotNotice of public hearing/comment period concerning the following proposed action: Amendments to COMAR 11.14.08 - Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program​. 

The Department of the Environment held a virtual public hearing on October 11, 2022.

A Response to Comments (RTC) document has been prepared since the hearing.​​

The Maryland Department of the Environment held a hearing on October 11, 2022 on the joint proposal to amend Regulations .01—.06 and .20, adopt new Regulation .07, amend and recodify Regulations .07 —.14 to be Regulations .08—.15 respectively, recodify Regulation .15 to be Regulation .16, amend and recodify Regulations .16—.18 to be Regulations .17—.19 respectively; and repeal Regulation .19 under COMAR 11.14.08 – Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program. This proposal modernizes and enhances the Vehicle Emissions Inspection Program (VEIP) to improve motorist convenience while continuing to maintain the significant air quality progress that has been achieved since the program's inception.

The regulatory action listed above will be submitted to the U.S. EPA for approval as a revision to Maryland's State Implementation Plan (SIP).

The Department adopted and finalized this regulation as of January 23, 2023. The full regulation text can be located by clicking here.

For more information, contact:

Marcia Ways, Mobile Sources Control Program Manager

Maryland Department of the Environment

1800 Washington Boulevard, Suite 730, Baltimore, Maryland 21230-1720 


Telephone: (410) 537-3270

caretNotice of public comment concerning the following proposed action for Radiation Management: Amend Regulation .01 under COMAR 26.12.01, Radiation Protection.​​​​ 

The Department of the Environment held a public commenting period for the action described below.

The Maryland Department of the Environment is accepting comments until September 22, 2022. The purpose of this action is to amend COMAR Incorporation by Reference to incorporate Supplement 32 with the following: (a) Revise the Electronic Brachytherapy regulation in Sections F.8 and F.9; (b) Incorporate the NRC RATS 2018-3, 2019-1, 2019-2, 2020-1, 2020-2, and 2020-3; and (c) Miscellaneous corrections including a correction to RATS 2018-1 by adding the words “...or equivalent NRC requirements or Agreement State requirements." within Sections G.300 and G.690.

The full text of the proposed regulatory amendments was published in the Maryland Register on August 12, 2022.

The proposed revised regulatory supplement, Supplement 32, is available on the Maryland Department of the Environment website​

For more information, contact:

Shannon Page
Division Chief, Radiological Health Program
Air and Radiation Administration
Maryland Department of the Environment
1800 Washington Boulevard, Suite 750
Baltimore, Maryland 21230
Telephone: (410) 537-4214

caret Notice of pu​​​​blic comment concerning the following proposed action for Radiation Management: Amend Regulation .01 under COMAR 26.12.01, Radiation Protection. ​​

Maryland Department of the Environment held a public comment period for the action described below.

The purpose of this action is to amend COMAR, Incorporation by Reference, to incorporate Supplement 31, to Adopt the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Regulations RATS 2018-1 and 2018-2 amendments including: (a) Incorporate RATS 2018-1 – Medical Use of Byproduct Material – Medical Event Definitions, Training and Experience, and Clarifying Amendments 10 CFR Parts 30, 32, 35; and (b) make minor corrections consistent with RATS 2018-2.

The full text of the proposed regulatory amendments was published in the Maryland Register on October 22, 2021. 

The proposed revised regulatory supplement, Supplement 31, is available on the Maryland Department of the Environment website

For more information, contact:

Shannon Page

Division Chief, Radiological Health Program

Air and Radiation Administration

Maryland Department of the Environment

1800 Washington Boulevard, Suite 750

Baltimore, Maryland 21230

Telephone: (410) 537-4214


caret ​Notice of public hearing/comment concerning the following proposed actions: New Regulation .02 under Chapter COMAR 26.11.20 concerning tampering with a motor vehicle's emission controls.​

The purpose of this action is to repeal existing Regulation .02 Sections A-C and propose new Regulation .02 Sections A-F under COMAR pertaining to Motor Vehicle Emission Control Devices. This action clarifies and expands Maryland’s regulations​ prohibiting (1) the removal or alteration of a motor vehicle’s air pollution control systems, and (2) the operation of motor vehicles with removed, altered, or inoperative air pollution control systems. The proposed regulation prohibits the manufacture, sale, installation, and use of any device that prevents a motor vehicle’s air pollution control system from operating as originally designed. The proposed regulation also prohibits the offering for sale, sale, lease, auction, or transfer of any motor vehicle with removed, altered, or inoperative air pollution control systems. The proposed regulation requires a vehicle dealer or business that sells, auctions, or transfers a motor vehicle to maintain records confirming all air pollution control systems are in operating condition at the time of sale. The proposed regulation also codifies the Department’s rights to conduct inspections of new and used motor vehicles for the purposes of determining compliance with the requirements of the regulation. ​​​

This action will be submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as part of Maryland's State Implementation Plan (SIP) at this time.

The Department of the Environment held a virtual public hearing on the proposed action on October 26, 2021.

A Response to Comments (RTC) document has been prepared since the hearing.

​The Department adopted and finalized this regulation as of February 7, 2022. The full regulation text can be located by clicking here.

For more information, contact:

Marcia Ways, Mobile Sources Control Program Manager

Maryland Department of the Environment

1800 Washington Boulevard, Suite 730, Baltimore, Maryland 21230-1720 

or by email at

Telephone (410) 537-3270.​

caret Notice of public comment concerning the following proposed actions for Radiation Management: Amend Regulation .01 under COMAR 26.12.01, Radiation Protection, and amend Regulation .02 under COMAR 26.12.02, Inspection and Certification. 

Maryland Department of the Environment gives notice of a public comment period for the action described below.  

The purpose of this action is to amend COMAR, Incorporation by Reference, to incorporate Supplement 30, to (a) add requirements for x-ray security screening; (b) update the records and surveys section, including record retention period; (c) clarify the definition of an authorized provider in the state of Maryland; (d) cover requirements for administrative controls; (e) add procedures for therapeutic administrations; and (f) incorporate a definition for “registered cardiovascular invasive specialist." Additionally, this action amends COMAR, State Certification of Radiation Machines, to include future radiation machine certification expiration dates.

The full text of the proposed regulatory amendments appeared in the Maryland Register on December 4, 2020. The proposed changes to Supplement 30 are available on the Maryland Department of the Environment web site​

For more information, call or email:

Mary McCormick
Health Physicist Supervisor
Air and Radiation Administration
Maryland Department of the Environment
1800 Washington Boulevard
Baltimore, Maryland 21230
Telephone: 443-682-1222

caretNotice of public hearing/comment concerning the following proposed actions: New Chapter COMAR 26.11.41 Control of Methane from the Natural Gas Industry.

The purpose of this action is to propose new Regulations .01 - .07 under new Chapter COMAR 26.11.41 Control of Methane from the Natural Gas Industry. This action proposes requirements to reduce vented and fugitive emissions of methane from both new and existing natural gas facilities. 

This action will not be submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as part of Maryland's State Implementation Plan (SIP) at this time. 

The Department adopted and finalized this regulation as of November 16, 2020. The full regulation text can be located by clicking here.

The Technical Support Document can be viewed by clicking on this link​

A Response to Comments (RTC) document has been prepared since the hearing. Click here​ for the RTC.

For more information, contact:​
Randy Mosier, Chief, Regulation Development Division
Air Quality Planning Program
Air and Radiation Administration
Maryland Department of the Environment
1800 Washington Boulevard, Suite 730
Baltimore, Maryland 21230-1720
Telephone: (410) 537-4488 or 1-(800) 633-6101 ext.4488
TTY Through Maryland Relay Service: 7-1-1 or 1-(800) 735-2258​

caretNotice of public hearing/comment concerning the following proposed actions: New Chapter COMAR 26.11.33 Prohibitions on Use of Certain Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) in Aerosol Propellants, Chillers, Foam, and Stationary Refrigeration End-Uses.

The purpose of this action is to propose new Regulations .01 to .06 under new chapter COMAR 26.11.33 Prohibitions on Use of Certain Hydrofluorocarbons in Aerosol Propellants, Chillers, Foam, and Stationary Refrigeration End-Uses. This action seeks to reduce hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) emissions by adopting specific United States Significant New Alternatives Policy Programs (SNAP) prohibitions for certain substances in air conditioning and refrigeration equipment, aerosol propellants, and foam end-uses.

This action will not be submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as part of Maryland's State Implementation Plan (SIP) at this time.

The Department adopted and finalized this regulation as of November 2, 2020. The full regulation text can be located by clicking here.

The Technical Support Document can be viewed by clicking on this link.

A Response to Comments (RTC) document has been prepared since the hearing. Click here​​ for the RTC.

Maryland HFC Notification Form​

For more information contact:

Randy Mosier, Chief, Regulation Development Division
Air Quality Planning Program
Air and Radiation Administration
Maryland Department of the Environment
1800 Washington Boulevard, Suite 730
Baltimore, Maryland 21230-1720
Telephone: (410) 537-4488 or 1-(800) 633-6101 ext.4488
TTY Through Maryland Relay Service: 7-1-1 or 1-(800) 735-2258​​

caret ​Notice of public hearing/comment concerning the following proposed actions: New Chapter COMAR 26.11.28 – Cross-State Air Pollution Rule to Control Annual Nitrogen Oxides Emissions, Annual Sulfur Dioxide Emissions, and Ozone Season Nitrogen Oxides Emissions.

The purpose of this action is to propose new Regulations .01 - .02 under new Chapter COMAR 26.11.28 – “Cross-State Air Pollution Rule to Control Annual Nitrogen Oxides Emissions, Annual Sulfur Dioxide Emissions, and Ozone Season Nitrogen Oxides Emissions”. This new chapter will incorporate by reference EPA’s Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) and CSAPR Update. The proposed new Chapter uses a cap and trade program to regulate annual NOx emissions, annual SO2 emissions and ozone season NOx emissions from large (>25 Megawatt) EGUs (whether existing, modified or newly constructed) that produce electricity for sale.

The amendments pertaining to this action will be submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for approval as part of Maryland's State Implementation Plan (SIP). 

The Department of the Environment held a public hearing on January 28, 2020.

​The Department adopted and finalized this regulation as of March 23, 2020. The full regulation text can be located by clicking here.

For more information​, call or email:
Randy Mosier, Chief, Regulation Development Division
Air Quality Planning Program
Air and Radiation Administration
Maryland Department of the Environment
1800 Washington Boulevard, Suite 730, Baltimore, Maryland 21230-1720
Telephone: (410) 537-4488

caret Notice of public hearing/comment concerning the following proposed action: Amend Regulation .04 under COMAR 26.11.17 - Nonattainment Provisions for Major New Sources and Major Modifications.

The purpose of this action is to amend COMAR to remove the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from the submittal and approval process for interprecursor trading (IPT).

The amendment pertaining to interprecursor trading will be submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for approval as part of Maryland's State Implementation Plan (SIP).

The Department of the Environment held a public hearing on October 29, 2019.

The Department adopted and finalized this regulation as of December 30, 2019. The full regulation text can be located by clicking here.

For more information, call or email:
Randy Mosier, Chief, Regulation Development Division
Air Quality Planning Program
Air and Radiation Administration
Maryland Department of the Environment
1800 Washington Boulevard, Suite 730, Baltimore, Maryland 21230-1720
Telephone: (410) 537-4488

caret Notice of public hearing/comment concerning the following proposed actions: Amend Regulations .01 and .10 under COMAR 26.11.08 - Control of Incinerators.

The purpose of this action is to amend nitrogen oxide (NOx) reasonably available control technology (RACT) requirements under COMAR and COMAR for large municipal waste combustors (Large MWCs). In order to satisfy the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) updated startup, shutdown and malfunction (SSM) policy (80 Fed. Reg. 33840), NOx emission limits shall be extended to cover periods when a Large MWC is combusting only fossil fuel, as a means to warm-up the furnace and other critical components prior to municipal solid waste being fed to the combustor. Additional amendments are being made to clarify how the 24-hour block average emission rates and 30-day rolling average emission rates are to be calculated.

The amendments pertaining to Large MWCs will be submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for approval as part of Maryland's State Implementation Plan (SIP).

Click here​ to read the Technical Support Document.

A public hearing on this action was held on October 29, 2019.

The Department adopted and finalized this regulation as of May 4, 2020. The full regulation text can be located by clicking here.

A Response to Comments (RTC) document has been prepared since the hearing. Click here for the RTC.​

For more information, call or email:
Randy Mosier, Chief, Regulation Development Division
Air Quality Planning Program
Air and Radiation Administration
Maryland Department of the Environment
1800 Washington Boulevard, Suite 730, Baltimore, Maryland 21230-1720
Telephone: (410) 537-4488

caret  Notice of public hearing/comment concerning the following proposed actions: Amend Regulation .02 under COMAR 26.11.34 Low Emissions Vehicle Program.

The Maryland Department of the Environment gives notice of the following public hearing/comment period: The purpose of the action is to amend COMAR Low Emissions Vehicle Program Incorporation by Reference to reflect the changes made to the California regulations since their last update.

The amendments pertaining to the Low Emissions Vehicle Program will be submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for approval as part of Maryland's State Implementation Plan (SIP).

The Department of the Environment held a public hearing on April 30, 2019.​

The Department adopted and finalized this regulation as of June 3, 2019. The full regulation text can be located by clicking here.

For more information, call or email:
Randy Mosier, Chief, Regulation Development Division
Air Quality Planning Program
Air and Radiation Administration
Maryland Department of the Environment
1800 Washington Boulevard, Suite 730, Baltimore, Maryland 21230-1720
Telephone: (410) 537-4488













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