Proposed Water Regulations

Proposed Actions provide the full text of proposed regulations and amendments, an estimate of the economic impact of an action on the regulated parties, the agency, other State or local agencies, and the general public. Proposed Actions also detail how the public may provide comments to an agency about a proposed regulation.

All Notices of Proposed Action are published in the Maryland Register.​​

As of 12/9/2022

Two proposed regulations are pending:
  • ​*Boil Water Advisory [26.04.01–Quality of Drinking Water in Maryland]*
    A notice of proposed amendments to 26.04.01 is planned to regulate public water systems with respect to knowing when and how to act in case of an outage, flooded wells or flooded springs and how to issue a public health advisory.
    ​, .01-1, .20, and .37
    Date Posted: December 09, 2022
  • *On-site wastewater property transfer inspection license [COMAR]*
    Emergency Regulations were published in the Md. Register on 9/23/22. A regular promulgation action will now occur to replace the emergency regulations.
    Date Posted: December 09, 2022

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