Water Regulations in Development

Below is a list of water regulations which are in the process of being developed, reviewed, or revised by the Department. It may also be useful to cross check the Small Business Regulations website here​.

As of 11/14/2022​​

Boil Water Advisory [26.04.01–Quality of Drinking Water in Maryland]
A notice of proposed amendments to 26.04.01 is planned to regulate public water systems with respect to knowing when and how to act in case of an unplanned water outage or flooded well or spring and how to issue a Boil Water Advisory (BWA).

ProgramEnvironmental Assessments and Standards
Regulation Title
Water Quality Standards
Update state high-quality waters (Tier II) regulations to codify the existing non-tidal wetlands (NTW) review process, propose new requirements for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) discharges, and condition Water and Sewage (W&S) Plan amendment approvals in Tier II watersheds with no assimilative capacity.
Relevant Statutory DeadlineNA
Target Effective DateNA
Draft under development

ProgramWetlands and Waterways Program
Regulation Title
Tidal Wetland Regulations
State implementation of federal mitigation rule for In-Lieu Fee Programs
Relevant Statutory DeadlineNone
Target Effective DateNone
Stakeholder and public meetings to obtain input on key issues for wetlands compensatory mitigation regulation revisions was completed in October 2016.  Stakeholder feedback is being incorporated into the ILF instrument (e.g., revised ILF  rates) and regulation development.  The target date for the draft ILF instrument and draft regulation language to be complete is May 2017 when the proposed revisions will be released for public comment.

ProgramWetlands and Waterways Program
Regulation Title
Non-tidal Wetland Regulations
State implementation of federal mitigation rule for In-Lieu Fee Programs
Relevant Statutory DeadlineNone
Target Effective DateNone
Stakeholder and public meetings to obtain input on key issues for wetlands compensatory mitigation regulation revisions was completed in October 2016.  Stakeholder feedback is being incorporated into the ILF instrument (e.g., revised ILF  rates) and regulation development.  The target date for the draft ILF instrument and draft regulation language to be complete is May 2017 when the proposed revisions will be released for public comment.

ProgramWastewater Permits Program
Regulation Title
Judicial Review Regulations
Edit and revise existing regulations to include judicial review procedures.
COMAR26.08.04.01-3, (I,J, K,),
Relevant Statutory DeadlineNone
Target Effective DateTBD
Regulations under development.

ProgramWetlands and Waterways Program
Regulation Title
Judicial Review Regulations
Repeal existing contested case hearing regulations and propose judicial review procedures consistent with statutory requirements.
COMAR26.08.02.10-13, 26.17.04, 26.23.02-.03, 26.24.02,.08
Relevant Statutory DeadlineNone
Target Effective DateTBD
Regulations under development

ProgramWastewater Permits Program
Regulation Title
Water Supply, Sewerage Systems in the Subdivision of land in Maryland
Update subdivision regulations
Relevant Statutory DeadlineNone
Target Effective DateTBD
Earlier version reviewed by stakeholders in 2010. The updated version is under review by MDE and MDE’s designated approving authorities.

ProgramWater Supply
Regulation Title
Judicial Review
Edit and revise existing regulations to include judicial review procedures
Relevant Statutory DeadlineNone
Target Effective DateTBD
Under Development

Number of Water Regulations in Development: 7