
Air Quality Planning Program

Maryland's Air Quality Planning Program (AQPP) writes state implementation plans and regulations to reduce emissions and achieve the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for six "criteria" air pollutants: ground-level ozone, particulate matter, lead, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide. 

The AQPP consists of two divisions covering its different program areas:

(1) Planning and Policy, and
(2) Regulation Development

Planning and Policy: State Implementation Plans (SIPs)

The Planning and Policy Division develops State Implementation Plans (SIPs), inventories, and related reports which document how the state will attain and maintain the National Ambient Air Quality Standards, and prevent significant deterioration of air quality in areas cleaner than the standards.

Public Comment Periods

(For details, click »» the topics below.)

»» 2019 Annual Sulfur Dioxide Data Requirements Report for Gen-On Chalk Point LLC Generating Station & Gen-On Mid-Atlantic Morgantown Generating Station

Deadline for Public Comments May 18, 2020, 5:00 pm
Proposed Documents Link to Document Webpage
Contact Molla Sarros
Mail Maryland Department of the Environment
1800 Washington Boulevard, Suite 730
Baltimore, MD 21230-1720
Email Molla.Sarros@maryland.gov
(410) 537-4180
1-(800) 633-6101 ext. 4180
For Special Accommodations: Contact MDE Office of Fair Practices (410) 537-3152
TTY Through Maryland Relay Service 7-1-1 or 1-(800) 735-2258
This report will be submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for approval after consideration of comments received.

Scheduled Hearings

All public hearings will be held virtually. All comment periods will remain open through the date and time of the scheduled public hearing. 

Notice of Public Hearing and Comment Period on Baltimore Moderate Nonattainment Area 0.070 ppm 8-Hour Ozone State Implementation Plan Attainment Demonstration.

Hearing Date January 31, 2023 10:00 a.m.
Virtual Public Hearing Join online: https: //meet.goto.com/219418493
Dial-in Number: United States (Toll Free): 1 877 309 2073
Access Code: 219-418-493
Deadline for Comments Comments must be received by 5:00 P.M. on January 31, 2023
Proposed Documents SIP Document
Appendix A: 2017 Base Year Emission Inventory Methodologies
Appendix B: Reasonable Further Progress
Appendix C: Baltimore Moderate Nonattainment Area Regulatory Support Documentation
Appendix D: Reasonably Available Control Measures (RACM) Analysis for the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
Appendix E: 2017 Base Year Mobile Source Emissions Documentation MOVES3 Model Platform
Appendix F: Conceptual Model Describing The Nature of the Ozone Problem
Appendix G: EPA 2016v2 Emissions Platform TSD
Appendix H: Public Hearing Notices, Comments, and Responses
Contact Catherine Salarano
Mail Maryland Department of the Environment
1800 Washington Boulevard, Suite 730
Baltimore, MD 21230-1720
Email catherine.salarano@maryland.gov
(410) 537-4415
1-(800) 633-6101 ext. 4415
(410) 537-3203 (attn: Catherine Salarano)
For Special Accommodations:
Contact MDE Office of Fair Practices
at least 5 days before the hearing
(410) 537-3152
TTY Through Maryland Relay Service 7-1-1 or 1-(800) 735-2258
This SIP Revision will be submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for approval after consideration of comments.

 About SIP Hearings

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, all public hearings are being held via Internet-based conferences until further notice.​

  • Public hearings on Maryland's State Implementation Plan are held as required by federal law (Clean Air Act at 42 U.S.C. 7410 (a) and 40 CFR 51.102).
  • After consideration of comments received, the proposed documents will be finalized and submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for approval.
  • Copies of proposed SIP documents may be viewed at the offices of the Maryland Department of the Environment, Air and Radiation Administration, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Suite 730, Baltimore, Maryland.
  • Persons in need of special accommodations should contact the Department's Office of Fair Practices at (410) 537-3152 at least five (5) business days in advance of the hearing. TTY users should contact the Department through the Maryland Relay Service at 1-(800) 735-2258.
  • Documents are viewable in Adobe Acrobat Reader (pdf) format. To view the documents, you may download the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Pending EPA Approval

  • State of Maryland, 2020 Annual Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Data Report for Lanyard Power Holdings, LLC, Chalk Point Generating Station & Lanyard Power Holdings, LLC, Morgantown Generating Station

Maryland Department of the Environment’s public comment period for this report closed on June 25, 2021. The report has been finalized and submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency for approval. Click here​ to view the report.
  • ​​Amendments to Regulations under COMAR 26.11.08 Control of Incinerators and Regulation COMAR Control of NOx Emissions for Major Stationary Sources

Maryland Department of the Environment’s public comment period for the two amendments in this SIP revision closed on September 21, 2018, and October 29, 2019, respectively. The SIP revision has been finalized and submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency for approval. Click the links to view Part 1​ and Part 2​ of the SIP revision.
  • State of Maryland 2015 8-Hour Ozone NAAQS (0.070 ppm) Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) SIP

​​Maryland Department of the Environment's public comment period for this SIP revision closed on September 15, 2020. The SIP revision has been finalized and submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency for approval. Click here​ to view the SIP revision.​
  • 2017 Base Year Emissions Inventory for the Washington DC-MD-VA 2015 Ozone NAAQS Nonattainment Area

​Maryland Department of the Environment's public comment period for this SIP revision closed on May 26, 2020. The SIP revision has been finalized and submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency for approval. Click on the following links for the SIP document and appendices.
​Maryland Department of the Environment's public comment period for this SIP revision closed on June 29, 2020. The SIP revision has been finalized and submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency for approval. Click on the following links for the SIP document and appendices.
​Maryland Department of the Environment's public comment period for this SIP revision closed on June 29, 2020. The SIP revision has been finalized and submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency for approval. Click on the following links for the SIP document and appendices.
Maryland Department of the Environment’s public comment period for this SIP revision closed on June 11, 2020. The SIP revision has been finalized and submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency for approval. Click here​ to view the SIP revision.
  • ​Emissions Statement Requirement Certification Addressing CAA Section 182(a)(3)(B) for the State of Maryland 2015 Ozone Nonattainment Areas (Washington, D.C. area; Baltimore area; and Cecil County)

Maryland Department of the Environment’s public comment period for this SIP revision closed on May 12, 2020. The SIP revision has been finalized and submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency for approval. Click here​ to view the SIP revision.
  • ​Nonattainment New Source Review (NNSR) Certification for the State of Maryland 2015 Ozone NAAQS Nonattainment Areas (Washington, D.C. area; Baltimore area; and Cecil County)

Maryland Department of the Environment’s public comment period for this SIP revision closed on May 12, 2020. The SIP revision has been finalized and submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency for approval. Click here​ to view the SIP revision.​
  • State of Maryland 2019 Annual SO2 Data Requirements Report for Gen-On Chalk Point LLC Generating Station & Gen-On Mid-Atlantic Morgantown Generating Station, Addressing the 2010 1-Hour Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) NAAQS Data Requirements Rule

    The Maryland Department of the Environment’s public comment period for this report closed on May 18, 2020. The report has been finalized and submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency for approval. Click here​ to view the report.

  • State of Maryland 1-Hour Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) State Implementation Plan for the Anne Arundel County and Baltimore County, MD ("Wagner") Nonattainment Area 

The public hearing was held on January 16, 2020 at the Maryland Department of the Environment. The SIP was finalized and submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency for approval.

Click on the following links for the SIP document and appendices

  • 1997 8-hour Ozone NAAQS Limited Maintenance Plan for the Kent and Queen Anne’s Counties Area

    The public hearing was held on November 25, 2019 at the Queen Anne's County Health Department. The SIP​ was finalized and submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency for approval. 

  • ​Implementation, Maintenance, and Enforcement of the 0.70 ppm 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard State Implementation Plan Section 110(a)(2)(D) Maryland 70 ppb Ozone Transport State Implementation Plan

​​The public hearing was held on September 24, 2019 at the Maryland Department of the Environment. The SIP was finalized and submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency for approval. Click here​ for the SIP Document

  • ​State of Maryland 2018 Annual SO2 Data Requirements Report for Gen-On Chalk Point LLC Generating Station and Gen-On Mid Atlantic Morgantown Generating Station​

​​MDE held a public comment period on this report from June 18 - July 22, 2019. The report was finalized and submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency for approval. Click here​ to read the report.

  • State of Maryland 8-Hour Ozone - 0.070 ppm National Ambient Air Quality Standard Implementation, Maintenance, and Enforcement State Implementation Plan

The public hearing was held on September 24, 2018 at the Maryland Department of the Environment. The SIP was finalized and submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency for approval. Click here​ to read the SIP document.

  • State of Maryland 0.075 ppm 8-Hour Ozone Nitrogen Oxide Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) State Implementation Plan

    The public hearing was held on July 2, 2018, at 1:00 p.m. at the Maryland Department of the Environment. The SIP was finalized and submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency for approval. Click here for 
    SIP Document. This public hearing notice appeared in the General Notices of the Maryland Register: http://www.dsd.state.md.us/MDR/mdregister.html

  • Implementation, Maintenance, and Enforcement of the 0.075 ppm 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard State Implementation Plan 110(a)(2)(D) MD 75 ppb Ozone Transport SIP

    The public hearing was held on July 25, 2018, at 10:00 a.m. at the Maryland Department of the Environment. The SIP was finalized and submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency for approval. Click here for 
    SIP Document. This public hearing notice appeared in the General Notices of the Maryland Register: http://www.dsd.state.md.us/MDR/mdregister.html

Maryland State Implementation Plans and Related Documents

Note: Documents are viewable in Adobe Acrobat Reader (pdf) format. To view the documents, you may download the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Regional Haze 5-Year Progress Report: Assessment of Reasonable Progress and Adequacy of the Existing State Implementation Plan

The public hearing was held on July 17, 2017. The SIP document is available here​. The SIP has been finalized and approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. See 83 Fed. Reg. 60363, November 26, 2018.

Basic Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program Certification for the State of Maryland 2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard Baltimore Nonattainment Area

​​The public hearing was held on February 20, 2018. The plan document is available here.​ The SIP was finalized and approved bythe United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Washington DC-MD-VA 2008 Ozone NAAQS Marginal Ozone Nonattainment Area Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan

​The public hearing was held on November 8, 2017. The SIP was finalized and approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Click here for the Plan Documents and Appendices (link to Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments web site).

Emission Statements Certification for Ozone

The public hearing was held on June 27, 2017. TheSIP was finalized and approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Click here for the SIP Document

Maryland Regional Haze Implementation Plan Revision Alternative BART for the Verso Luke Paper Mill

2011 Base Year Emissions Inventory for the Philadelphia-Wilmington, Atlantic City, PA-DE-NJ 2008 Ozone NAAQS Nonattainment Area
2011 Base Year Emissions Inventory for the Baltimore, MD 2008 Ozone NAAQS Nonattainment Area

Nonattainment New Source Review (NNSR) Program, covering the Baltimore, MD, Philadelphia-Wilmington-Atlantic City, PA-NJ-MD-DE, and Washington, DC-MD-VA Nonattainment Areas for the 2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS

Maryland State Implementation Plan (SIP) for the 0.075 ppm 8-Hour Ozone Standard, Volatile Organic Compound Reasonable Available Control Technology (VOC RACT)

Maryland State Implementation Plan (SIP) Revision under Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(2) for Implementation, Maintenance, and Enforcement of the 2010 Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) National Ambient Air Quality Standard

Maryland State Implementation Plan (SIP) under Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(2) for the 2012 PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standard

2016 Consent Agreement and “NOx Averaging Plan” for Raven Power - Revision to Maryland’s State Implementation Plan

This Consent Agreement replaces the existing Consent Order dated April 16, 2001 (with Maryland SIP #01-05) and the Consent Order dated October 24, 2012. A copy of the consent order is available above and at the offices of the Maryland Department of the Environment, Air and Radiation Management Administration, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Suite 730, Baltimore, Maryland. Please contact Randy Mosier, Chief, Regulation Development Division, Air Quality Planning Program by phone at (410) 537-4488 or via email at randy.mosier@maryland.gov for more information. 

Revision to the Motor Vehicle Emission Budgets for the Washington DC-MD-VA 1997 PM2.5 Maintenance Plan Update

  • The SIP Documents are available on the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments' website.

State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Clean Air Act Section 128, Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest by State Boards and Agency Heads - Final Submittal February 1, 2016

Baltimore, Maryland, 2008 8-Hour Ozone Rate of Progress (Budgets for VOC and NOx for 2012), for the 1997 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard

Base Year 2011 Emissions Inventory (Washington DC-MD-VA 2008 Ozone NAAQS Nonattainment Area)

  • Full Inventory Document without Appendices, July 9, 2014
  • Appendices ZIP File. This file contains all the appendices in a 176 MB ZIP file.
    • A. Point Source Inventory Files
    • B1. Area and Nonroad (Marine Vessels, Airport, Railroad Locomotives) Source Inventory Development Document (Maryland)
    • B2. Area and Nonroad (Marine Vessels, Airport, Railroad Locomotives) Source Inventory Development Document (Virginia)
    • B3. Area and Nonroad (Marine Vessels, Airport, Railroad Locomotives) Source Inventory Development Document (District of Columbia)
    • B4. Area and Nonroad (Marine Vessels, Airport, Railroad Locomotives) Source Inventory Files
    • C. NMIM2008 (NONROAD Model) Input and Output Files
    • D1. Onroad Mobile Source Development Document
    • D2. MOVES 2010a (Onroad Mobile Model) Input and Output Files


Baltimore Nonattainment Area PM2.5 Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan

Redesignation Request - May 28, 2013​

Maintenance Plan - May 27, 2013

Washington County, MD Nonattainment Area PM2.5 Redesignation Request and Maintenance Plan

Redesignation Request - May 28, 2013

Maintenance Plan - May 28, 2013

Baltimore Serious Nonattainment Area 0.08 ppm 8-Hour Ozone State Implementation Plan Demonstrating Rate of Progress for 2008, 2011 and 2012 Revision to 2002 Base Year Emissions; and Serious Area Attainment Demonstration

    Appendices A Projection Year Emissions Inventories
    Appendix C Regulatory Support Information
    Appendix D RACM Measures List
    Appendix E Mobile Budget Documentation
Appendix F Attainment Demonstration
Appendix B  - Reasonable Further Progress Calculations Detail Spreadsheet - Large file not available for download -- Please contact the Air Quality Planning Program at (410) 537-3240 to request a copy.
Appendix F12 - CMAQ Model Performance Performance Data and Documentation - Large file not available for download -- Please contact the Air Quality Planning Program at (410) 537-3240 to request a copy.
Date: June 18, 2013


Maryland State Implementation Plan for Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(2) for Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Section 128 for all National Ambient Air Quality Standards

SIP Document
Date:  June 20, 2013 (final date)

Maryland State Implementation Plan for Clean Air Act Section 110(a)(2) for Lead (Pb)

June 20, 2013 (Addendum)
​SIP Document​​
December 12, 2012 (Final)
​SIP Document​

Maryland's Redesignation Request & Maintenance Plan for the 1997 Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Standard for the Washington DC-MD-VA Area
May 22, 2013
SIP Document

Maryland's Implementation, Maintenance, and Enforcement Measures for the 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard State Implementation Plan
December 21, 2012

SIP Document

Maryland's Regional Haze State Implementation Plan
February 9, 2012
SIP Document (4,137 KB)
Appendix A- MANE-VU Class I Area Contribution Assessment              

               Appendix A-1 Trajectory Analysis           

               Appendix A-1a: Trajectory Analysis Results at Acadia National Park              

               Appendix A-1b: Trajectory Analysis Results at Brigantine National Park        

               Appendix A-1c: Trajectory Analysis Results at Dolly Sods Wilderness Area              

               Appendix A-1d: Trajectory Analysis Results at Great Gulf Wilderness Area               

               Appendix A-1e: Trajectory Analysis Results at Great Smokey Mountains National   Park              

               Appendix A-1f: Trajectory Analysis Results at James River Face Wilderness Area

               Appendix A-1g: Trajectory Analysis Results at Lye Brook Wilderness Area

               Appendix A-1h: Trajectory Analysis Results at Mohawk Mountain

               Appendix A-1i: Trajectory Analysis Results at Moosehorn National Wildlife Area

               Appendix A-1j: Trajectory Analysis Results at Multiple Sites

               Appendix A-1k: Trajectory Analysis Results at Queens College, New York City

               Appendix A-1l: Trajectory Analysis Results at Pittsburgh, PA

               Appendix A-1m: Trajectory Analysis Results at Shenandoah National Park

               Appendix A-1n: Trajectory Analysis Results at Washington, D.C.  

       Appendix A-2: Source Attribution by Receptor-Based Methods  

       Appendix A-3: Chemical Transport Model Results

       Appendix A-4: CALPUFF Dispersion Modeling Platforms       

       Appendix A-5:  Summary of Stakeholder Comments    

       Appendix A-6: MANE-VU Responses to Comments    

       Appendix A-7: Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium (LADCO) Contribution Assessment

Appendix B- Final Interim Principals for Regional Planning

Appendix C- Federal Land Managers (FLM) Comments (Placeholder)

Appendix D- Base Year Emissions Inventory (EI)

     Appendix D-1- Technical Support Documentation for the MANE-VU 2002 Inventory    

     Appendix D-2: Technical Support Documentation for the MDE 2002 Base Year Inventory

         Appendix D-2.1: Base Year Haze SIP Inventory Methodologies

         Appendix D-2.2: Point Source Base Year Inventory Database        

         Appendix D-2.3: Area/NonRoad/Quasi-Point Source Base Year Inventory Database        

         Appendix D-2.4: Mobile Source Base Year Inventory Database

Appendix E- Future Year Emissions Inventory

     Appendix E-1: MANE-VU Future Year Modeling Inventories

          Appendix E-1-1: 2009 Data            

          Appendix E-1-2: 2012 Data          

          Appendix E-1-3: 2018 Data    

Appendix E-2- Development of Emissions Projections for 2009, 2012, and 2018

Appendix F- SMOKE Modeling Configuration

Appendix G-Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART)

     Appendix G-1- BART Source List- MANE-VU      

     Appendix G-2- Maryland BART Analysis: 

          Appendix G-2a- Constellation Power Source Generation BART Assessment

               Crane Generating Station, Wagner Generating Station         

         Appendix G-2b- Eastalco Aluminum BART Assessment

          Appendix G-2c- Independent/ St. Lawrence Cement Assessment:

               Holcim 2010, St. Lawrence Cement 2007       

          Appendix G-2d- Mettiki Coal, LLC BART Assessment:

               Applicability Qualifiers Letter

          Appendix G-2e- New Page/ Westvaco/ Luke Paper BART Assessment:  

               New Page 2007, New Page 2010         

          Appendix G-2f- Mirant Mid Atlantic, LLC BART Assessment Documentation:


     Appendix G-3: BART CAIR (Clean Air Interstate Rule) Exemption 

     Appendix G-4: Five Factor Analysis of BART Eligible Sources    

     Appendix G-5: Assessment of Control Technology Options for BART Eligible Sources

Appendix H- Baseline and Natural Background Visibility Conditions

Appendix I- The Nature of Fine Particle and Regional Haze Air Quality Problems in the MANE-VU Region

Appendix J- Comparison of CAIR and CAIRPlus Proposal Using the Integrated Planning Model Future Year Emissions Inventory

Appendix K- Assessment of Reasonable Progress for Regional Haze in MANE-VU Class I Areas

Appendix L- MANE-VU Modeling for Reasonable Progress Goals

Appendix M- 2018 Visibility Projections

Appendix N- Table of Top EGU Emission Points

Appendix O- Technical Support Document on Measures to Mitigate Visibility Impacts on Construction Activities in the MANE-VU Region

Appendix P- Technical Support Document on Agricultural and Forestry Smoke Management in the MANE-VU Region

Appendix Q- Inter-RPO State Tribal & FLM Consultation Framework

Appendix R- Documentation of 2018 Emissions from EGU's

Maryland’s 8-hour Ozone Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) State Implementation Plan, DRAFT 2011 Revision to SIP Number 06-07

October 4, 2011 (Final)
SIP Document (1,007 KB)

Letter to U.S. EPA certifying that MDE has the authority to implement, maintain and enforce the federal PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standards NAAQS

Baltimore Nonattainment Area PM2.5 State Implementation Plan and Base Year Inventory
March 24, 2008
SIP Document (2377 KB)

Appendix A – Base Year Emission Inventory

Appendix A-1: Base Year Emission Inventory Methodologies (2679 KB)

Appendix A-2: Point Source Base Year Inventory (884 KB)

Appendix A-3: Quasi-Point Source Base Year Inventory (30 KB)

Appendix A-4: Area Source Base Year Inventory (148 KB)

Appendix A-5: Mobile Source Base Year Inventory (362 KB)

Appendix A-6: Nonroad Source Base Year Inventory (235 KB)

Appendix B – Projection Year Methodologies (194 KB)

Appendix C – Reasonably Available Control Measures (RACM) Analysis

Appendix C-1: List of Potential RACM Control Measures & Analysis (998 KB)

Appendix C-2: BMC Reduction Measures List & Analysis (85 KB)

Appendix D – Mobile Budget Documentation

Appendix D-1: PM2.5 Precursor Significance Determination for the Baltimore, MD Nonattainment Area (123 KB)

Appendix D-2: Baltimore Area Mobile Source Emissions Technical Support Document for the PM2.5 Attainment Plan (271 KB)

Appendix D-3: MOBILE6.2 Input Parameter Summary (96 KB)

Appendix D-4: MOBILE6.2 Sample Input Files (128 KB)

Appendix D-5-1: Baltimore Area VMT and Emission Summary By Vehicle Type (22 KB)

Appendix D-5-2: Baltimore Area VMT and Emission Summary By Functional Class (18 KB)

Appendix D-5-3: Baltimore Area 2009 Annual PM2.5 Summary (21 KB)

Appendix E – Ozone Transport Commission MOU (113 KB)

Appendix F – Contingency Synopsis of the ASIP Sensitivity Study

Appendix F-1: Synopsis of the ASIP PM2.5 Sensitivity Study and SO2/NOX Equivalency Ratios (83 KB)

Appendix F-2: Data from the BOTW/VA CAIR Modeling Run for PM2.5 (34 KB)

Appendix G – Attainment Modeling and Weight of Evidence

Appendix G-1: Conceptual Model (5094 KB)

Appendix G-2: Modeling Domain Boundary (42 KB)

Appendix G-3: Horizontal Grid Definitions for MM5 and CMAQ Modeling Domain (36 KB)

Appendix G-4: Vertical Layer Definitions for MM5 and CMAQ Modeling Domain (179 KB)

Appendix G-5: MM5 Model Configuration (61 KB)

Appendix G-6: MM5 Model Performance Evaluation (7615 KB)

Appendix G-7: SMOKE Processing Description and Configuration (1124 KB)

Appendix G-8: CMAQ Configuration (78 KB)

Appendix G-9: CMAQ Model Performance (20 KB)

Appendix G-10: Additional Information on Design value Calculations (53 KB)

Appendix G-11: Weight of Evidence Report

Appendix G-11-1: Report (7956 KB)

Appendix G-11-2: Report Appendices (67827 KB)

State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Annual Fine Particle (PM2.5) Standard and 2002 Base Year Inventory for the Washington DC-MD-VA Nonattainment Area
Date:  March 7, 2008
Click here to download 

Washington County, MD PM2.5 State Implementation Plan and Base Year Inventory
February 29, 2008
SIP Document (2067 KB)

Appendix A – Base Year Emission Inventory

Appendix A-1: Base Year Emission Inventory Methodologies (2679 KB)

Appendix A-2: Point Source Base Year Inventory (73 KB)

Appendix A-3: Quasi-Point Source Base Year Inventory (11 KB)

Appendix A-4: Area Source Base Year Inventory (32 KB)

Appendix A-5: Mobile Source Base Year Inventory (75 KB)

Appendix A-6: Nonroad Source Base Year Inventory

Appendix A-6-1 (33 KB)

Appendix A-6-2 (15 KB)

Appendix B – Projection Year Methodologies (194 KB)

Appendix C – Reasonably Available Control Measures (RACM) Analysis (894 KB)

Appendix D – Mobile Budget Documentation

Appendix D-1: 2008 RFP and 2009 Attainment Year Mobile Budget Methodology and Documentation (64 KB)

Appendix D-2: Washington County Area: Mobile Source Emissions Technical Support Document February 2007 (256 KB)

Appendix D-3: MOBILE6.2 Input Parameter Summary (94 KB)

Appendix D-4: MOBILE6.2 Sample Input Files (127 KB)

Appendix D-5-1: Washington County VMT and Emission Summary By Vehicle Type (39 KB)

Appendix D-5-2: Washington County VMT and Emission Summary By Functional Class (26 KB)

Appendix D-5-3: Washington County 2009 Annual PM2.5 Summary (15 KB)

Appendix E – Ozone Transport Commission MOU (113 KB)

Appendix F – Contingency Synopsis of the ASIP Sensitivity Study

Appendix F-1: Synopsis of the ASIP PM2.5 Sensitivity Study and SO2/NOX Equivalency Ratios (83 KB)

Appendix F-2: Data from the BOTW/VA CAIR Modeling Run for PM2.5 (34 KB)

Appendix G – Attainment Modeling and Weight of Evidence

Appendix G-1: Conceptual Model (4056 KB)

Appendix G-2: Modeling Domain Boundary (42 KB)

Appendix G-3: Horizontal Grid Definitions for MM5 and CMAQ Modeling Domain (36 KB)

Appendix G-4: Vertical Layer Definitions for MM5 and CMAQ Modeling Domain (179 KB)

Appendix G-5: MM5 Model Configuration (61 KB)

Appendix G-6: MM5 Model Performance Evaluation (7615 KB)

Appendix G-7: SMOKE Processing Description and Configuration (1124 KB)

Appendix G-8: CMAQ Configuration (74 KB)

Appendix G-9: CMAQ Model Performance (20 KB)

Appendix G-10: Additional Information on Design value Calculations (41 KB)

Appendix G-11: Weight of Evidence Report

Appendix G-11-1: Report ( KB)

Appendix G-11-2: Report Appendices (67827 KB)

Implementation, Maintenance, and Enforcement of the PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standard State Implementation Plan
February 15, 2008
Click here to download.

Implementation, Maintenance, and Enforcement Measures for the 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard State Implementation Plan (SIP)June 15, 2007
Click here to download.

Baltimore Nonattainment Area 8-hour Ozone State Implementation Plan and Base Year Inventory
June 15, 2007

SIP Document (6.7 MB)
Appendix A
    Appendix A1 (2.6 MB)
    Appendix A2 (1.2 MB)
    Appendix A3 (429 KB)
    Appendix A4 (280 KB)
    Appendix A5 (710 KB)
    Appendix A6 (878 KB)
Appendix B (194 KB)
Appendix C (823 KB)
Appendix D (92 KB)
Appendix E
    Appendix E1 (330 KB)
    Appendix E2 (59 KB)
Appendix F
    Appendix F - Mobile Source Emission Technical Support Document (232 KB)
    Appendix F - Input Parameter Summary (57 KB)
    Appendix F - Input Files Sample (27 KB)
    Appendix F - Summary Table (40 KB)
    Appendix F - Emissions Summary (28 KB)
Appendix G
    Appendix G1 (514 KB)
    Appendix G2 (15 KB)
    Appendix G3 (15 KB)
    Appendix G4 (2.4 MB)
    Appendix G5 (1.1 MB)
    Appendix G6 (827 KB)
    Appendix G7 (1.0 MB)
    Appendix G8 (1.7 MB)
    Appendix G9 (378 KB)
    Appendix G10 (802 KB)
    Appendix G11 (342 KB)
    Appendix G12 (367 KB)
    Appendix G13 (188 KB)
    Appendix G14 (67 KB)
    Appendix G15 (49 KB)
Appendix H
Appendix I (69 KB)

Cecil County, Maryland 8-hour Ozone State Implementation Plan and Base Year Inventory
June 15, 2007

SIP Document (5.4 MB)
Appendix A
    Appendix A1 (2.6 MB)
    Appendix A2 (118 KB)
    Appendix A3 (35 KB)
    Appendix A4 (112 KB)
    Appendix A5 (129 KB)
    Appendix A6 (382 KB)
Appendix B (194 KB)
Appendix C (220 KB)
Appendix D (83 KB)
Appendix E
    Appendix E1 (328 KB)
    Appendix E2 (59 KB)
Appendix F
    Appendix F - Mobile Source Emission Technical Support Document (232 KB)
    Appendix F - Input Parameter Summary (57 KB)
    Appendix F - Input Files Sample (27 KB)
    Appendix F - Summary Table (40 KB)
    Appendix F - Emissions Summary (15 KB)
Appendix G
    Appendix G1 (514 KB)
    Appendix G2 (15 KB)
    Appendix G3 (15 KB)
    Appendix G4 (2.4 MB)
    Appendix G5 (1.1 MB)
    Appendix G6 (827 KB)
    Appendix G7 (1.0 MB)
    Appendix G8 (1.7 MB)
    Appendix G9 (378 KB)
    Appendix G10 (802 KB)
    Appendix G11 (342 KB)
    Appendix G12 (367 KB)
    Appendix G13 (188 KB)
    Appendix G14 (67 KB)
    Appendix G15 (86 KB)
Appendix H
Appendix I (79 KB)

Plan to Improve Air Quality in the Metropolitan Washington, DC-MD-VA Region: State Implementation Plan (SIP) ("Moderate Area SIP") for 8-Hour Ozone Standard (includes 2002 Base Year Inventory)
May 23, 2007
Click here

Revision to Maryland’s Transportation Conformity State Implementation Plan
November 9, 2006

SIP Document  (71 KB)
Regulation (1,087 KB)
Regulation - Full Text (110 KB)

Maryland’s 8-hour Ozone Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) State Implementation Plan
July 31, 2006

SIP Document (510 KB) 
Appendix A (102 KB)
Appendix B (15 KB) RACT SIP Survey
Appendix C (333 KB) RACT and Major Sources

Redesignation Request for Kent and Queen Anne’s Counties 8-hour Ozone Nonattainment Area

March 15, 2006
Click here to download.

Maintenance Plan and 2002 Base Year Emission Inventory for the Kent and Queen Anne's Counties 8-hour Ozone Nonattainment Area
March 15, 2006
Click here to download.

Revisions to Kent and Queen Anne’s Counties 1-hour Ozone Maintenance Plan
March 15, 2006
Click here to download.

Washington County 8-Hour Ozone Early Action Compact (EAC) State Implementation Plan:  Air Quality Modeling Addendum
SIP Revision 04-10 - Addendum
February 16, 2005
Click here to download.

Washington County 8-Hour Ozone Early Action Compact (EAC) State Implementation Plan
November 5, 2004
SIP Document: Executive Summary/Table of Contents/Chapters 1-8 (2.1 MB PDF file)
Appendix A (574 KB) Early Action Compact Agreement With Washington County
Appendix B (622 KB) EAC Guidance and Protocol Documents
Appendix C (526 KB) EAC Memoranda
Appendix D (36 KB) Control Measures Selected for Action Plan
Appendix E (7,135 KB) Comprehensive Analysis of Transportation Emission Reduction Measures
Appendix F (547 KB) Health and Ozone
Appendix G (249 KB) History of the Early Action Plan
Appendix H (1,866 KB) Regional Transport and 8-Hour Ozone
Appendix I (3,471 KB) Documentation of Public Process

SIP Revision 04-06 (Proposed) - Revision to the Washington Severe SIP: Implementation of Section 185 Fee Structure
March 26, 2004
Click here to download.

SIP Revision 04-04 (Proposed) - Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to Allow EPA to Grant the Separation of the Kent and Queen Anne’s Counties 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area from the Baltimore Region 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area between U.S. EPA Region III and MDE
February 25, 2004
Click here to download.

Revised Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan and Revised 1990 Carbon Monoxide Base Year Emissions Inventory for the Washington DC-MD-VA Nonattainment Area
February 19, 2004
Click here to download.

Modification to the Rate of Progress Plan for Cecil County: Revising Mobile Emission Estimates with Mobile6
January 8, 2004
Click here to download


Redesignation Request for Kent and Queen Anne’s Counties Ozone Nonattainment Area

December 18, 2003
Click here to download.

Maintenance Plan for the Baltimore Carbon Monoxide Attainment Area
December 15, 2003
Click here to download.

Demonstrating Rate of Progress for 2002 and 2005; Revision to 1990 Base Year Emissions; and Severe Area Attainment Demonstration for the WASHINGTON DC-MD-VA Nonattainment Area
December 17, 2003
Click here to download.

2002 Maryland Air Quality Report - Status Report and Long-Term Trends
December 3, 2003
Click here to download the report.
Click here for historical air quality data.

Modification to the Rate of Progress Plan for the Baltimore Region: Revising Mobile Emission Estimates with Mobile6
October 27, 2003
Click here to download.

Appendix A - Mobile6 Documentation

Proposed State Implementation Plan (SIP) - “Severe Area SIP” - Demonstrating Rate of Progress for 2002 and 2005, Revision to 1990 Base Year Emissions, and Severe Area Attainment Demonstration for the WASHINGTON DC-MD-VA Nonattainment
June 2, 2003
SIP Document: Executive Summary/Table of Contents/Chapters 1-12 (1.2 MB PDF file)
Appendix A (72 KB PDF file) - Membership Rosters for the Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Committee (MWAQC) and its Technical Advisory Committee and Air Quality Public Advisory Committee
Appendix B (3.7 MB PDF file) - MOBILE6 Inventories and Documentation
Appendices C-F (1.2 MB PDF file)
Appendix C - Round 6.2 Cooperative Forecast Projections: Area and Nonroad Inventories and Projections
Appendix D - Draft Round 6.3 Cooperative Forecast Projections: Area and Nonroad Inventories and Projections
Appendix E - Point Source Inventories and Projections
Appendix F - Use of NOx Substitution in Rate of Progress; RACT Fix-Up Documentation
Appendices G-K (3.1 MB PDF file)
Appendix G - Emission Reduction from Transportation Control Measures
Appendix H - Severe Area Plan Commitments
Appendix I - Contingency Plan Commitments; Emissions Reductions from Phase II RFG Controls; Emissions Reductions from Selected Contingency Measures
Appendix J - EPA Voluntary Measures Guidance; Allowable Tonnage from Voluntary Measures; Voluntary Measure Documentation
Appendix K - Information Related to Public Hearings, Hearing Notices, Comments Received and Response to Comments
Appendix L (11 KB PDF file) - Analysis of Potential Stationary Source RACM Measures for the Metropolitan Washington Region's Severe Area SIP
Appendix M (40 KB PDF file) - Analysis of Potential Area Source RACM Measures for the Metropolitan Washington Region's Severe Area SIP
Appendix N (138 KB PDF file) - Analysis of Potential Non-Road Source RACM Measures for the Metropolitan Washington Region's Severe Area SIP
Appendix O (285 KB PDF file) - Analysis of Potential Mobile Source RACM Measures for the Metropolitan Washington Region's Severe Area SIP

Modification to the Phase II Attainment Plan for the Baltimore and Cecil County Nonattainment Areas: Revising the Mobile Source Emission Budgets using Mobile 6
May 21, 2003
Click here to download.

Reasonably Available Control Measure (RACM) Analysis for Cecil County
July 18, 2001
Click here to download.

Reasonably Available Control Measure (RACM) Analysis for the Baltimore Region
July 6, 2001
Click here to download.

Modification to the Phase II Attainment Plan for the Baltimore Region: Revising the Mobile Source Emission Budgets, Adding Tier 2 Standards
November 6, 2000
Click here to download.

Modification to the Phase II Attainment Plan for Cecil County: Revising the Mobile Source Emission Budgets, Adding Tier 2 Standards
November 9, 2000
Click here to download.

Maryland Commitment letter to EPA for Baltimore region
December 17, 1999
Click here to download.

Maryland Commitment letter to EPA for Cecil County
February 2, 2000
Click here to download.

Modification to the Phase II Attainment Plan for the Baltimore Nonattainment Area and Cecil County: Revising the Mobile Source Emission Budgets
November 9, 1999
Click here to download.

Phase II Attainment Plan for the Baltimore Nonattainment Area and Cecil County
April 24, 1998
Click here to download.

Technical Support Document for the Phase II Attainment Plan for the Baltimore Region
June 29, 2001
Click here to download.

Phase I Attainment Plan for the Baltimore Nonattainment Area and Cecil County
April 24, 1998
SIP Document: Executive Summary, Chapters 1-9, and References
Appendix A: EPA Policy Memorandum
Appendix B: Modifications and Projections to the 1990 Base Year
Appendix C: Post-1996 Target Level Calculation Following EPA Guidance
Appendix D: Nonroad Emission Reductions
Appendix E: Emission Reductions from Control Measures Included in the 15% RPP
Appendix F: The OTC NOx Emission Reduction MOU and Calculation of NOx Emission Reductions from Stationary Sources
Appendix G: Nitrogen Oxides Substitution
Appendix H: Revisions to the 15% Rate of Progress Plan

1990 Greenhouse Gas Inventory
Date:April, 2001
Click he to download.

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