§319(h) Grants In Maryland – Key Information For Seeking Funds

Authority and Administration

Under the Federal Clean Water Act Section §319(h) (leaving MDE), grant funds are available to reduce or eliminate water quality impairments that are associated nonpoint source pollution.  In Maryland, the §319(h) Grant Program is administered by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE).


In Maryland, the opportunity for §319(h) funding is offered to local and State entities including county and municipal agencies, Soil Conservation Districts, State agencies and State institutions of higher learning.  Projects may include subcontracts for private firms and nonprofit organizations for consulting, engineering, construction and other tasks.

Proposal Selection

Proposals will be ranked based on how well each meets the goals and requirements stated in the RFP. Selected grant funds will be offered to the highest ranking projects. If you have questions, contact Maryland's 319 Program at (410) 537-3818 or mde.nps319@maryland.gov

Project Types

§319(h) Grant funds can pay for planning, design, construction, monitoring and analysis. However, the majority of §319(h) Grant funding in Maryland is intended for implementation of projects that will:

  • Reduce or eliminate water quality impairments listed in the Maryland’s List of Impaired Water (303(d) List), particularly in watersheds where Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) have been approved; and
  • Result in quantifiable or measurable improvements in water quality and habitat, including, pollutant load reductions for impairments addressed in TMDLs or identified in the 303(d) List.

Search for Maryland 319(h) Grant Projects - Public Information In National EPA “GRTS” Database (leaving MDE website)

Watershed Plan

A prerequisite for §319(h) funding of implementation projects (any project involving in-the-ground construction) is EPA acceptance of a watershed plan.  Acceptance is based on meeting EPA’s criteria for watershed-based plans (Federal Register 10/23/03, page 60659).  In Maryland, watershed plans are reviewed using a spreadsheet created by EPA Region 3.  By downloading this spreadsheet and using its elements as a guide while drafting a watershed plan, the likelihood of EPA acceptance can be improved.

For guidance on developing a watershed plan see, EPA's "Handbook for Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect Our Waters".

Watersheds In Maryland Eligible for 319(h) Grant Implementation Funding

Below are watershed plans that EPA have accepted.   There are multiple links for each watershed.  The webpage link provides local information and documents (leaves MDE website).  The download links (PDF) provide a copy of the document (remains in MDE website). Please note, some of the files are large and may take some time to download. 

Annual Reports 

Other Useful Links

Contact Information

If you have questions, contact Maryland's 319 Program at (410) 537-3818 or mde.nps319@maryland.gov

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